E02397: Gregory of Tours, in his Histories (10.1), quotes a sermon preached by Pope Gregory the Great after his election, ordering the Roman community to go in procession from seven churches in Rome: of *Cosmas/Kosmas and Damianus (brothers, physician martyrs of Syria, S00385), *Gervasius and Protasius (martyrs of Milan, S00313), *Petrus and Marcellinus (martyrs of Rome, S00577), *Iohannes and Paulus (brothers and eunuchs, martyrs of Rome, S00384), *Stephen (the First Martyr, S00030), *Euphemia (martyr of Chalcedon, S00017), *Clement, (bishop of Rome, martyr of the Crimea, S00111). They met together at the church of *Mary (Mother of Christ, S00033); AD 590. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 590/594.
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posted on 2017-02-20, 00:00 authored by BryanGregory of Tours, Histories (Historiae) 10.1
Proinde, fratres karissimi, contrito corde et correctis operibus, ab ipso feriae quartae dilucolo septiformis laetaniae iuxta distributionem inferius designatam devota ad lacrimas mente veniamus, ut districtus iudex, cum culpas nostras nos punire considerat, ipse a sententia propositae damnationis parcat. Clerus igitur egrediatur ab eclesia sanctorum martyrum Cosmae et Damiani cum praesbyteris regionis sextae. Omnes vero abbatis cum monachis suis ab eclesia sanctorum martyrum Protasi et Gervasi cum praesbyteris regionis quartae. Omnes abbatissae cum congregationibus suis egrediantur ab eclesia sanctorum martyrum Marcellini et Petri cum praesbyteris regionis primae. Omnes infantes ab eclesia sanctorum martyrum Iohannis et Pauli cum praesbyteris regionis secundae. Omnes vero laici ab eclesia sancti protomartyris Stephani cum praesbyteris regionis septimae. Omnes mulieres viduae ab eclesia sanctae Eufimiae cum praesbyteris regionis quintae. Omnes autem mulieres coniugatae egrediantur ab eclesia sancti martyris Clementis cum praesbyteris regionis tertiae, ut, de singulis eclesiis exeuntes cum praecibus ac lacrimis, ad beatae Mariae semper virginis genetricis domini nostri Iesu Christi basilicam congregemur, ut, ibi diutius cum fletu ac gemitu Domino supplicantes, peccatorum nostrorum veniam promerire valeamus.
Haec eo dicente, congregatis clericorum catervis, psallere iussit per triduum ac depraecare Domini misericordiam. De hora quoque tertia veniebant utrique chori psallentium ad eclesiam, clamantes per plateas urbis Kyrie eleison. Asserebat autem diaconus noster, qui aderat, in unius horae spatio, dum voces plebs ad Dominum supplicationis emisit, octoaginta homines ad terram conruisse et spiritum exalasse. Sed non distitit sacerdos dandus praedicare populo, ne ab oratione cessarent.
'Pope Gregory's address to the people
Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, with contrite hearts and with all our affairs in order, let us come together, to concentrate our minds upon our troubles, in the order which I will explain in a minute, as day dawns on the Wednesday of this week, to celebrate the sevenfold processions (septiformis laetaniae). When He sees how we ourselves condemn our own sins, the stern Judge may acquit us of this sentence of damnation which He has proposed for us. Let the clergy go in procession from the church of the holy martyrs Cosmas and Damianus, with the priests of the sixth region. Let all the Abbots with their monks process from the church of the holy martyrs Protasius and Gervasius, with the priests of the fourth region. Let all the Abbesses and their assembled nuns walk from the church of the holy martyrs Marcellinus and Peter, with the priests of the first region. Let all the children go from the church of the holy martyrs John and Paul, with the priests of the second region. Let all the laymen go from the church of the protomartyr Stephen, with the priests of the seventh region. Let all the widows go from the church of Saint Euphemia, with the priests of the fifth region. Let all the married women go from the church of the holy martyr Clement, with the priests of the third region. Let us all process with prayers and lamentations from each of the churches thus appointed, to meet together at the basilica of the blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that there we may at great length make our supplication to the Lord with tears and groans, and so be held worthy to win pardon for our sins.
When he had finished speaking, Gregory assembled the different groups of churchmen, and ordered them to sing psalms for three days and to pray to our Lord for forgiveness. At three o’clock all the choirs singing psalms came into church, chanting the Kyrie eleison as they passed through the city streets. My deacon, who was present, said that while the people were making their supplication to the Lord, eighty individuals fell dead to the ground. The Pope never once stopped preaching to the people, nor did the people pause in their prayers.'
Text: Krusch and Levison 1951, 480-481. Translation: Thorpe 1974, 545-547.
Proinde, fratres karissimi, contrito corde et correctis operibus, ab ipso feriae quartae dilucolo septiformis laetaniae iuxta distributionem inferius designatam devota ad lacrimas mente veniamus, ut districtus iudex, cum culpas nostras nos punire considerat, ipse a sententia propositae damnationis parcat. Clerus igitur egrediatur ab eclesia sanctorum martyrum Cosmae et Damiani cum praesbyteris regionis sextae. Omnes vero abbatis cum monachis suis ab eclesia sanctorum martyrum Protasi et Gervasi cum praesbyteris regionis quartae. Omnes abbatissae cum congregationibus suis egrediantur ab eclesia sanctorum martyrum Marcellini et Petri cum praesbyteris regionis primae. Omnes infantes ab eclesia sanctorum martyrum Iohannis et Pauli cum praesbyteris regionis secundae. Omnes vero laici ab eclesia sancti protomartyris Stephani cum praesbyteris regionis septimae. Omnes mulieres viduae ab eclesia sanctae Eufimiae cum praesbyteris regionis quintae. Omnes autem mulieres coniugatae egrediantur ab eclesia sancti martyris Clementis cum praesbyteris regionis tertiae, ut, de singulis eclesiis exeuntes cum praecibus ac lacrimis, ad beatae Mariae semper virginis genetricis domini nostri Iesu Christi basilicam congregemur, ut, ibi diutius cum fletu ac gemitu Domino supplicantes, peccatorum nostrorum veniam promerire valeamus.
Haec eo dicente, congregatis clericorum catervis, psallere iussit per triduum ac depraecare Domini misericordiam. De hora quoque tertia veniebant utrique chori psallentium ad eclesiam, clamantes per plateas urbis Kyrie eleison. Asserebat autem diaconus noster, qui aderat, in unius horae spatio, dum voces plebs ad Dominum supplicationis emisit, octoaginta homines ad terram conruisse et spiritum exalasse. Sed non distitit sacerdos dandus praedicare populo, ne ab oratione cessarent.
'Pope Gregory's address to the people
Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, with contrite hearts and with all our affairs in order, let us come together, to concentrate our minds upon our troubles, in the order which I will explain in a minute, as day dawns on the Wednesday of this week, to celebrate the sevenfold processions (septiformis laetaniae). When He sees how we ourselves condemn our own sins, the stern Judge may acquit us of this sentence of damnation which He has proposed for us. Let the clergy go in procession from the church of the holy martyrs Cosmas and Damianus, with the priests of the sixth region. Let all the Abbots with their monks process from the church of the holy martyrs Protasius and Gervasius, with the priests of the fourth region. Let all the Abbesses and their assembled nuns walk from the church of the holy martyrs Marcellinus and Peter, with the priests of the first region. Let all the children go from the church of the holy martyrs John and Paul, with the priests of the second region. Let all the laymen go from the church of the protomartyr Stephen, with the priests of the seventh region. Let all the widows go from the church of Saint Euphemia, with the priests of the fifth region. Let all the married women go from the church of the holy martyr Clement, with the priests of the third region. Let us all process with prayers and lamentations from each of the churches thus appointed, to meet together at the basilica of the blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that there we may at great length make our supplication to the Lord with tears and groans, and so be held worthy to win pardon for our sins.
When he had finished speaking, Gregory assembled the different groups of churchmen, and ordered them to sing psalms for three days and to pray to our Lord for forgiveness. At three o’clock all the choirs singing psalms came into church, chanting the Kyrie eleison as they passed through the city streets. My deacon, who was present, said that while the people were making their supplication to the Lord, eighty individuals fell dead to the ground. The Pope never once stopped preaching to the people, nor did the people pause in their prayers.'
Text: Krusch and Levison 1951, 480-481. Translation: Thorpe 1974, 545-547.
Evidence ID
E02397Saint Name
Kosmas and Damianos, brothers, physician martyrs in Syria, ob. 285/287 : S00385 Gervasius and Protasius, martyrs of Milan (Italy), ob. 1st/4th c. : S00313 John and Paul, brothers and eunuchs, martyrs at Rome, ob. 361/363. : S00384 Peter and MarceSaint Name in Source
Cosmas, Damianus Gervasius, Protasius Iohannes, Paulus Petrus, Marcellinus Stephanus Eufimia Clemens MariaRelated Saint Records
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Kosmas_and_Damianos_brothers_physician_martyrs_of_Syria/13730179
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Gervasius_and_Protasius_martyrs_of_Milan/13729978
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Iohannes_and_Paulus_brothers_and_eunuchs_martyrs_of_Rome_under_the_emperor_Julian/13730176
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Euphemia_martyr_of_Chalcedon/13729147
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Stephen_the_First_Martyr/13729177
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Clemens_Clement_bishop_of_Rome_martyr_of_the_Crimea/13729414
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Mary_Mother_of_Christ/13729186
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Marcellinus_and_Petrus_priest_and_exorcist_martyrs_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Labicana/13730665
Type of Evidence
Literary - Other narrative texts (including Histories)Language
- Latin
Evidence not before
590Evidence not after
594Activity not before
590Activity not after
590Place of Evidence - Region
Gaul and Frankish kingdomsPlace of Evidence - City, village, etc
ToursPlace of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Tours Tours Tours Toronica urbs Prisciniacensim vicus Pressigny Turonorum civitas Ceratensis vicus CéréMajor author/Major anonymous work
Gregory of ToursCult activities - Liturgical Activity
- Procession