E02212: Fragmentary list in Greek of saints' days, presumably from the area of Hermopolis (Middle Egypt), with entries for *Severos (bishop of Antioch, ob. 538, S00262), *Kopres (companion of Patermouthios, S01190), *Peter (bishop and martyr of Alexandria, S00247), *Gregory the Illuminator (converter of Armenia, S00251), *Horouonchios (martyr, S01187), *Sarapion, (Egyptian martyr from Panephosi, §S02038), and *Drosis (daughter of Hadrian, S01189), as well as various unnamed martyrs (S00060), datable to the 7th/8th century.
online resource
posted on 2017-01-03, 00:00 authored by gschenkeP.Vindob G 14043:
+ Σευήρου
α Κόπρη
β μ(α)ρ(τύρων)
γ Πε(τ?)ρ(ου?) μ(ά)ρ(τυρος) ἐπ(ισκόπου)
δ μ(α)ρ(τύρων)
ε Γρη(γο)ρ(ίου) Ἀρμ(ενιακοῦ) . . .
ς Ὡρογχ(ίου)
ζ Σαραπί(ωνος) μ(ά)ρ(τυρος)
η Δροσίδο(ς)
ⲓθ . . .
'(Day) 10: (feast day) of Severos
(Day) 11: (feast day) of Kopres
(Day) 12: (feast day) of martyrs
(Day) 13: (feast day) of Peter (?), martyr, bishop
(Day) 14: (feast day) of martyrs
(Day) 15: (feast day) of Gregory of Armenia
(Day) 16: (feast day) of Horonchios
(Day) 17: (feast day) of Sarapion, martyr
(Day) 18: (feast day) of Drosis
(Day) 19: …
(Day) 20: …'
Text: A. Papaconstantinou, Translation: G. Schenke.
+ Σευήρου
α Κόπρη
β μ(α)ρ(τύρων)
γ Πε(τ?)ρ(ου?) μ(ά)ρ(τυρος) ἐπ(ισκόπου)
δ μ(α)ρ(τύρων)
ε Γρη(γο)ρ(ίου) Ἀρμ(ενιακοῦ) . . .
ς Ὡρογχ(ίου)
ζ Σαραπί(ωνος) μ(ά)ρ(τυρος)
η Δροσίδο(ς)
ⲓθ . . .
'(Day) 10: (feast day) of Severos
(Day) 11: (feast day) of Kopres
(Day) 12: (feast day) of martyrs
(Day) 13: (feast day) of Peter (?), martyr, bishop
(Day) 14: (feast day) of martyrs
(Day) 15: (feast day) of Gregory of Armenia
(Day) 16: (feast day) of Horonchios
(Day) 17: (feast day) of Sarapion, martyr
(Day) 18: (feast day) of Drosis
(Day) 19: …
(Day) 20: …'
Text: A. Papaconstantinou, Translation: G. Schenke.
Evidence ID
E02212Saint Name
Herouodj, martyr together with Moui : S01187 Severos, bishop of Antioch (465–538) : S00262 Kopres and Patermouthios, martyrs : S01190 Gregory the Illuminator, converter of Armenia : S00251 Drosis, daughter of Hadrian, martyred with female companiSaint Name in Source
Ὡρόγχ(ιος) Σευήρος Κόπρης Γρη(γό)ρ(ιου) Ἀρμ(ενιακός) Δροσίς Πε(τ?)ρ(ος) μ(ά)ρ(τυρος) ἐπ(ισκόπου) Σαραπί(ων)Related Saint Records
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Drosis_daughter_of_Hadrian_martyred_with_female_companion_Junia/13732339
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Sarapion_Apa_Sarapion_Egyptian_martyr_from_Panephosi_Lower_Egypt_/13734715
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Severos_bishop_of_Antioch_ob_538/13729831
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Petros_bishop_and_martyr_of_Alexandria_and_companion_martyrs/13729789
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Gregory_the_Illuminator_converter_of_Armenia/13729801
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Kopres_Patermouthios_and_Alexandros_martyrs_in_Egypt_under_the_emperor_Julian/13732342
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Herouodj_martyr_together_with_Moui/13732333
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Martyrs_unnamed_or_name_lost/13729267
Type of Evidence
Documentary texts - List Late antique original manuscripts - Papyrus sheet LiteraryLanguage
- Greek
Evidence not before
600Evidence not after
799Activity not before
600Activity not after
799Place of Evidence - Region
Egypt and Cyrenaica Egypt and CyrenaicaPlace of Evidence - City, village, etc
Hermopolis AphroditoPlace of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Hermopolis Hermopolis ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛ Ashmunein Hermopolis Aphrodito Hermopolis ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛ Ashmunein HermopolisCult activities - Festivals
- Saint’s feast