University of Oxford

E02212: Fragmentary list in Greek of saints' days, presumably from the area of Hermopolis (Middle Egypt), with entries for *Severos (bishop of Antioch, ob. 538, S00262), *Kopres (companion of Patermouthios, S01190), *Peter (bishop and martyr of Alexandria, S00247), *Gregory the Illuminator (converter of Armenia, S00251), *Horouonchios (martyr, S01187), *Sarapion, (Egyptian martyr from Panephosi, §S02038), and *Drosis (daughter of Hadrian, S01189), as well as various unnamed martyrs (S00060), datable to the 7th/8th century.

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posted on 2017-01-03, 00:00 authored by gschenke
P.Vindob G 14043:

+  Σευήρου
α Κόπρη
β μ(α)ρ(τύρων)
γ Πε(τ?)ρ(ου?) μ(ά)ρ(τυρος) ἐπ(ισκόπου)
δ μ(α)ρ(τύρων)
ε Γρη(γο)ρ(ίου) Ἀρμ(ενιακοῦ) . . .
ς Ὡρογχ(ίου)
ζ Σαραπί(ωνος) μ(ά)ρ(τυρος)
η Δροσίδο(ς)
ⲓθ . . .

'(Day) 10: (feast day) of Severos
(Day) 11: (feast day) of Kopres
(Day) 12: (feast day) of martyrs
(Day) 13: (feast day) of Peter (?), martyr, bishop
(Day) 14: (feast day) of martyrs
(Day) 15: (feast day) of Gregory of Armenia
(Day) 16: (feast day) of Horonchios
(Day) 17: (feast day) of Sarapion, martyr
(Day) 18: (feast day) of Drosis
(Day) 19: …
(Day) 20: …'

Text: A. Papaconstantinou, Translation: G. Schenke.


Evidence ID


Saint Name

Herouodj, martyr together with Moui : S01187 Severos, bishop of Antioch (465–538) : S00262 Kopres and Patermouthios, martyrs : S01190 Gregory the Illuminator, converter of Armenia : S00251 Drosis, daughter of Hadrian, martyred with female compani

Saint Name in Source

Ὡρόγχ(ιος) Σευήρος Κόπρης Γρη(γό)ρ(ιου) Ἀρμ(ενιακός) Δροσίς Πε(τ?)ρ(ος) μ(ά)ρ(τυρος) ἐπ(ισκόπου) Σαραπί(ων)

Type of Evidence

Documentary texts - List Late antique original manuscripts - Papyrus sheet Literary


  • Greek

Evidence not before


Evidence not after


Activity not before


Activity not after


Place of Evidence - Region

Egypt and Cyrenaica Egypt and Cyrenaica

Place of Evidence - City, village, etc

Hermopolis Aphrodito

Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)

Hermopolis Hermopolis ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛ Ashmunein Hermopolis Aphrodito Hermopolis ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛ Ashmunein Hermopolis

Cult activities - Festivals

  • Saint’s feast


The document P.Vindob G 14043 belongs to the papyrus collection in Vienna and has been dated to the 7th/8th century on palaeographical grounds.


Due to the appearance in the list of Horouonchios (a local martyr of Hermopolis), the document is likely to come from the area of that city, though Aphroditio might be another possibility for its provenance, see E02156, E02158, E02208, E02209, E02210, and E02211. This short fragment does not preserve the name of the month, but the first entry is for Severos (of Antioch), whose feast day on 10 Choiak (6 December) is well attested, which makes the assumption that we have here a list of feast days in the month of Choiak, very likely. A case in point are day 15 and 16 of Choiak which have been associated with Gregory of Armenia (11 December) and Horouonchios (12 December) respectively. Besides the local Hermopolite martyr Horouonchios and Sarapion who suffered martyrdom at nearby Antinoopolis (see §E05395), the entries seem to refer mostly to important bishops and martyrs at intellectual centres of the Christian world. Interestingly, the martyr Drosis is known through two homilies by Severos of Antioch. The preserved entries on the list from the 10th to the 20th day of the month Choiak correspond to the period between the 6th to the 16th of December.


Edition: Papaconstantinou, A., "Un calendrier de saints herrnopolite: P.Vindob. G 14043,"Tyche 8 (1993), 101–104. Mention: O'Leary, De L., Saints of Egypt (London: SPCK, 1937), 93-94, 151. Papaconstantinou, A., Le culte des saints en Égypte des Byzantins aux Abbassides (Paris: CNRS, 2001), 76–77; 222–223; and 129.

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