E02166: Greek order for the transport of lentils by boat into the Fayum (Lower Egypt), mentioning an institution dedicated to *Alexandros (perhaps Alexandros, bishop of Alexandria, ob. 326/328, S00733); dated 7 December 608.
'Konstantinos to John, the apaitetes von PtolemaIs. Hand out the 132 artabas of lentils which are intended to be loaded onto the boat of our lord, saint Alexandros, to be sent to the Arsinoites, and to be sold by the servant Hieremias. Total: 132 artabas of lentils'
Text and German translation: W.C. Till. English translation: G. Schenke.
A full record of the document complete with image is available at:
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Alexandros, martyr in Egypt, ob. 250/1 : S00223
Alexandros, bishop of Alexandria, ob. 326 or 328 : S00733
The complete papyrus document P.Vindob. G 2149 belongs to the papyrus collection in Vienna.
The document is part of a larger archive concerning the activities of John, the apaithtes, edited by B. Palme (CPR 10 1–16).
It has been suggested that the monastery or church of Alexander was located by the canal, since it owned a boat. Other monasteries, such as the one of Apa Apollo at Bawit, however, show monastic activity at a harbour, even though the monastery itself was located further inland.
Palme, B., "1.–16. Archiv des Johannes ΑΠΑΙΤΗΤΗΣ", in: H. Harrauer et al. (ed.), Corpus Papyrorum Raineri X, Griechische Texte VII (Vienna, 1986), 21–56.
Papaconstantinou, A., Le culte des saints en Égypte des Byzantins aux Abbassides (Paris: CNRS, 2001), 424.