E02156: Coptic receipt for rent, issued by the shrine of *Herouodj (martyr probably of Hermopolis, S01187), probably from the area of Hermopolis (Middle Egypt), datable to the 8th century.
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posted on 2016-12-21, 00:00authored bygschenke
CPR 4 147
The beginning of the document reads as follows, lines 1–5:
'The dikaion of the holy altar of saint Herouodj, represented through me, Pahomo, the deacon and steward (oikonomos) […] clerics of the same place (topos), [we are writing to the] heirs of the blessed scribe John: … '
Text and German translation: W.C. Till. English translation: G. Schenke.
The papyrus K 1334 belongs to the papyrus collection at Vienna. There is no record of its provenance, but the saint mentioned suggests an origin from the region of Hermopolis (see below). The document has been dated on palaeographical grounds.
The saint's shrine mentioned here might have been part of a monastery whose juridical body (dikaion) is acknowledging receipt of a rent payment due from a recently deceased scribe whose heirs continue using the property and paying the rent.
The saint mentioned here, spelled in Coptic 'Herouodj', has been associated with the saint Ωρουωνχιος/Horouonchios who appears in a 7th century fiscal document from Hermopolis, see E02208. The same saint, who is mentioned as a martyr in company with a man named Moui, appears in one form or another also in other documents from the area of both Hermopolis and Aphrodito, see E02158, E02209, E02210, E02211, and E02212.
Text and translation:
Till, W.C., Corpus Papyrorum Raineri IV (CPR IV): Die koptischen Rechtsurkunden der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Vienna, 1958), 134.
O'Leary, De L., Saints of Egypt (London: SPCK, 1937), 151.
Papaconstantinou, A., Le culte des saints en Égypte des Byzantins aux Abbassides (Paris: CNRS, 2001), 222–223.