E01835: Augustine of Hippo preaches a sermon at the feast of unnamed martyrs, probably in Carthage (North Africa). Exposition on Psalm 102, written in Latin in North Africa, 397/417.
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posted on 2016-09-05, 00:00authored byrobert
Augustine of Hippo, Exposition on Psalm 102.3
Hoc enim considerantes martyres, quorum etiam memoriam hodie celebramus, et omnes omnino sancti qui uitam istam contemserunt, et sicut audistis in epistola Iohannis, animas suas pro fratribus posuerunt...
'This had in mind the martyrs whose commemoration (memoria) we are celebrating today, and indeed all the saints who scorned this life, and, as you have heard in the [reading from] the Letter of John, "laid down their lives for their brothers" ...'
Text: Dekkers and Fraipont 1956. Translation: Robert Wiśniewski.
Cult Activities - Protagonists in Cult and Narratives
Ecclesiastics - bishops
The Expositions on the Psalms are based on Augustine's homilies on the Psalms preached in either Hippo or other places in North Africa in the period from 392 to 417. According to La Bonnardière 1971, 87, the series of expositions to which this sermon belongs was preached at Carthage.
Dekkers, E., and Fraipont, J., Enarrationes in psalmos (Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, 38; Turnhout: Brepols, 1956).
Further reading:
La Bonnardière, M.A., "Les Enarrationes in Psalmos prêchées par saint Augustin à l'occasion de fêtes des martyrs," Recherches Augustiniennes 7 (1971), 73-104.