E01800: Augustine of Hippo preaches a sermon at the feast of a martyr, probably *Catulinus (deacon and martyr of Carthage, S00411) and probably in Carthage (North Africa). Exposition on Psalm 39, written in Latin in North Africa, c. 413.
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posted on 2016-08-09, 00:00authored byrobert
Augustine of Hippo, Exposition on Psalm 39.16
Mortes in quas pagani saeuierunt, in illis hodie reficimur. Natalem martyrum celebramus, exempla martyrum nobis proponimus, adtendimus fidem, quomodo inuenti, quomodo adtracti, quomodo steterunt ante iudices.
'Today we are feeding on these deaths which pagans inflicted in rage. We are celebrating the annual feast of the martyrs, we are setting forth before you the examples of the martyrs, listening carefully how they were found, brought to, and put before judges.'
Text: Dekkers and Fraipont 1956. Translation: Robert Wiśniewski.
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Catulinus, deacon and martyr at Carthage, on. c. 303 : S00914
The Expositions on the Psalms are based on Augustine's homilies preached either in Hippo or other places in North Africa in the period from 392 to 417. Augustine refers in this sermon to a feast of natalis civitatis (birthday of the city) which would be celebrated on the morrow. La Bonnardiere, 79-81, thinks that this refers to the city of Carthage whose feast was celebrated on 15 July, and on the basis of complicated intertextual references with other sermons tentatively dates our sermon to 413. The martyr commemorated on this day was probably *Catulinus, martyr and deacon of Carthage – his feast was celebrated on 15 July according to the Calendar of Carthage (see E02198).
Dekkers, E., and Fraipont, J., Enarrationes in psalmos (Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 38; Turnhout: Brepols, 1956).
Further reading:
La Bonnardière, M.A., "Les Enarrationes in Psalmos prêchées par saint Augustin à l'occasion de fêtes des martyrs," Recherches Augustiniennes 7 (1971), 73-104.