E01689: Greek inscription on a house at Barad/Brad in the Limestone Massif (north Syria), with a list of six or more saints: a saint *John (presumably either the Baptist, S00020, or the Apostle and Evangelist, S00042), *Dometios (probably the monk and martyr of Syria under Julian, S00414), *George (soldier and martyr, S00259), *Christophoros (martyr of Pamphylia, S00616), *Euphemia (probably the martyr of Chalcedon, S00017), *Philotheos (possibly the martyr of Antioch, S00878), possibly *Kyros and Ioannes/Cyrus and John (physician and soldier, martyrs of Egypt, S00406), a certain *Eusebios, possibly *Thomas the Apostle (S00199), and other unnamed martyrs. Probably 5th/6th c.
online resource
posted on 2016-07-02, 00:00 authored by erizosΑ: + Κ[(υρί)ε Ἰ(ησο)ῦ Χ]ρ(ιστὲ), βοήθισον τοῦτο τὸ οἴκῳ. +
ὁ ἅ[γιο]ς Ἰωάννης (καὶ) ὁ ἅγιος Δωμέτις (καὶ) ὁ ἅγιος Γεώργις (καὶ)
ὁ ἅγιος Χριστόφορος (καὶ) Εὐφυμία (καὶ) ὁ κῦρις Φιλόθεως
Β1: ἅ+μα τῶν ἑτέρων μαρτύρον
B2: (καὶ) Ἰωάννης (καὶ) Εὐσέβιος ὑιὸς (καὶ) Θωμᾶς
C: Κύ(ριε), βοή(θει) Ἰωάννου ἐπιτρόπου
A: '+ O Lord, Jesus Christ, help this household! +
Saint John, and Saint Dometios, and Saint George, and
Saint Christophoros, and Euphemia, and the lord (or Kyros) Philotheos
B1: with other martyrs
B2: and John, and Eusebios the son, and Thomas.'
C: 'O Lord, help the steward (epitropos, procurator) Ioannes!'
Text: Lassus 1947, 171-172.
ὁ ἅ[γιο]ς Ἰωάννης (καὶ) ὁ ἅγιος Δωμέτις (καὶ) ὁ ἅγιος Γεώργις (καὶ)
ὁ ἅγιος Χριστόφορος (καὶ) Εὐφυμία (καὶ) ὁ κῦρις Φιλόθεως
Β1: ἅ+μα τῶν ἑτέρων μαρτύρον
B2: (καὶ) Ἰωάννης (καὶ) Εὐσέβιος ὑιὸς (καὶ) Θωμᾶς
C: Κύ(ριε), βοή(θει) Ἰωάννου ἐπιτρόπου
A: '+ O Lord, Jesus Christ, help this household! +
Saint John, and Saint Dometios, and Saint George, and
Saint Christophoros, and Euphemia, and the lord (or Kyros) Philotheos
B1: with other martyrs
B2: and John, and Eusebios the son, and Thomas.'
C: 'O Lord, help the steward (epitropos, procurator) Ioannes!'
Text: Lassus 1947, 171-172.
Evidence ID
E01689Saint Name
John the Evangelist : S00042 John the Baptist : S00020 Dometios, monk and martyr of Syria, ob. 363 : S00414 George, martyr in Nicomedia or Diospolis, ob. c. 303 : S00259 Christophoros, martyr in Samos (Lykia) or Antioch (Syria) under Decius (249-Saint Name in Source
ΔωμέτιςRelated Saint Records
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/John_the_Baptist/13729156
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Thomas_the_Apostle/13729666
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/George_soldier_and_martyr_and_Companions/13729822
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Euphemia_martyr_of_Chalcedon/13729147
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Kyros_and_Ioannes_Cyrus_and_John_physician_and_soldier_martyrs_of_Egypt/13730242
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Eusebios_unspecified_/13731400
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Philotheos_child_martyr_of_Antioch/13731397
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/John_the_Apostle_and_Evangelist/13729210
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Thomas_unspecified_/13731292
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Dometios_monk_and_martyr_of_Syria_under_the_emperor_Julian/13730263
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Christophoros_martyr_of_Pamphylia/13730761
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Martyrs_unnamed_or_name_lost/13729267
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Eusebius_son_of_the_stratelates_Basilides_martyr_of_Antioch/13731043
Type of Evidence
Inscriptions - Formal inscriptions (stone, mosaic, etc.)Language
- Greek