E01307: The Liber Pontificalis, written in Latin in Rome in the 530s, and re-edited before 546, in its account of *Hilarus (bishop of Rome, ob. 468, S00566) names his refurbishments in, and offerings to, several churches and oratories in Rome: dedicated to *John (Apostle and Evangelist, S00042), *John the Baptist (S00020), the Apostles *Peter (S00036) and *Paul (S00008), *Mary (Mother of Christ, S00033), *Laurence (deacon and martyr of Rome, S00037), and *Stephen (the First Martyr, S00030).
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posted on 2016-04-24, 00:00 authored by BryanLiber Pontificalis 48
First edition (as reconstructed by Duchesne)
The passage about Hilarus' offerings can be found only in the second edition.
Second edition
Hic fecit oraturia III in baptisterio basilicae Constantinianae, sancti Iohannis baptistae et sancti Iohannis euangelistae et sanctae crucis, omnia ex argento et lapidibus pretiosis:
confessionem sancti Iohannis baptistae ex argento, qui pens. lib. C, et crucem auream;
confessionem sancti Iohannis euangelistae ex argento, qui pens. lib. C, et crucem auream;
in ambis oratoriis ianuas aereas argentoclusas...
'He [Hilarus] built 3 oratories in the baptistery of the Constantinian basilica, of saint John the Baptist, saint John the Evangelist, and the Holy Cross, all of silver and precious stones:
the confessio of saint John the Baptist, of silver, weighing 100 lb, and a gold cross;
the confessio of saint John the Evangelist of silver, weighing 100 lb, and a gold cross;
in both oratories bronze doors chased with silver.'
There follows a list of offerings for the oratory of the Holy Cross, followed by those at the confessio of saint John:
Ante confessionem beati Iohannis:
coronam argenteam, pens. lib. XX;
farum cantarum, pens. lib. XXV;
farum cantarum, pens. lib. XXV.
Item ad sanctum Iohannem intra sanctum fontem:
lucernam auream cum nixus luminum X, pens. lib. V;
cervos argenteos III fundentes aquam, pens. sing. lib. XXX;
turrem argenteam cum delfinos, pens. lib. LX;
columbam auream, pens. lib. II.
In front of the confessio of the blessed John:
a silver crown weighing 20 lb;
a chandelier weighing 25 lb;
Also at saint John within the holy Font:
a gold lantern with 10 wicks for lighting, weighing 5 lb;
3 silver stags pouring water, each weighing 30 lb;
a silver tower with dolphins, weighing 60 lb;
a gold dove weighing 2 lb...
There follows a list of offerings at the Constantinian Basilica [= the Lateran basilica]
Ad beatum Petrum apostolum:
scyphum aureum, pens. lib. V;
alium scyphum aureum cum gemmis prasinis et yaquintis, pens. lib. IIII;
calices argenteos ministeriales X, pens. sing. lib. II;
amas argenteas II, pens. sing. lib. VIII;
fara cantara argentea XXIIII, pens. sing. lib. V.
'At the blessed Peter the Apostle:
a gold scyphus weighing 5 lb;
another gold scyphus with prase and jacinth jewels, weighing 4 lb;
10 silver service chalices each weighing 2 lb;
2 silver amae each weighing 8 lb;
24 silver chandeliers each weighing 5 lb.'
Ad beatum Paulum apostolum:
scyphum aureum, pens. lib. V;
alium scyphum aureum cum gemmis, pens. lib. V;
scyphos argenteos IIII, pens. sing. lib. VI;
calices ministeriales X, pens. sing. lib. II;
amas argenteas II, pens. sing. lib. X.
'At the blessed Paul the Apostle:
a gold scyphus weighing 5 lb;
another gold scyphus with jewels, weighing 5 lb;
4 silver scyphi each weighing 6 lb;
10 service chalices each weighing 2 lb;
2 silver amae each weighing 10 lb.'
Ad beatum Laurentium martyrem:
scyphum aureum cum gemmis prasinis et yacintis, pens. lib. IIII;
lucernam auream nixorum X, pens. lib. V;
scyphum auro purissimo, pens. lib. V;
lampadas aureas II, pens. sing. lib. I;
farum cantarum aureum, pens. lib. II;
turrem argenteam cum delfinos, pens. lib. XXV;
scyphos argenteos III, pens. sing. lib. VIII;
calices ministeriales XII, pens. sing. lib. II;
altarem argenteum, pens. lib. XL;
lampadas argenteas X, pens. lib. XX;
amas argenteas II, pens. sing. lib. X;
In basilica beati Laurenti martyris:
phara cantara argentea X, pens. lib. LX;
cantara aerea XXVI;
ministeria ad baptismum sive ad paenitentem argentea, pens. lib. X;
fara aerea L.
'At the blessed Laurence the martyr:
a gold scyphus with prase and jacinth jewels, weighing 4 lb;
a lantern of finest gold with 10 wicks, weighing 5 lb;
a scyphus of finest gold weighing 5 lb;
2 gold lamps each weighing 1 lb;
a gold chandelier weighing 2 lb;
a silver tower with dolphins, weighing 25 lb;
3 silver scyphi each weighing 8 lb;
12 service chalices each weighing 2 lb;
a silver altar weighing 40 lb;
10 silver lamps weighing 20 lb;
2 silver amae each weighing 10 lb.
10. In the basilica of the blessed Laurence the martyr:
10 silver chandeliers weighing 60 lb;
26 bronze chandeliers;
silver services for baptism and for penance, weighing 10 lb;
50 bronze lights.'
In urbe vero Roma constituit ministeria, qui circuirent constitutas stationes:
scyphum aureum stationarium, pens. lib. VIII;
scyphos argenteos XXV per titulos, pens. sing. lib. X;
amas argenteas XXV, pens. sing. lib. X;
calices ministeriales L, pens. sing. lib. II.
Hic omnia in basilica Constantiniana vel ad sancta Maria constituta recondit.
Hic fecit monasterio ad sanctum Laurentium et balneum et alium sub aere et pretorium
'In Rome he arranged services to circulate around the established stationes:
a gold scyphus for stational use, weighing 8 lb;
25 silver scyphi for the tituli , each weighing 10 lb;
25 silver amae each weighing 10 lb;
50 service chalices each weighing 2 lb.
He had ordered all these to be kept at the Constantinian basilica and at St Mary’s.
He built a monastery at St Laurence’s, and a bath, and another in the open air, and a praetorium .'
Text: Duchesne 1886, 242-245. Translation: Davis 2010, 37-40, lightly modified
The passage in brackets, <>, is an interpolation, recorded in only some manuscripts of the Liber Pontificalis; it is uncertain when it was added to the text.
First edition (as reconstructed by Duchesne)
The passage about Hilarus' offerings can be found only in the second edition.
Second edition
Hic fecit oraturia III in baptisterio basilicae Constantinianae, sancti Iohannis baptistae et sancti Iohannis euangelistae et sanctae crucis, omnia ex argento et lapidibus pretiosis:
confessionem sancti Iohannis baptistae ex argento, qui pens. lib. C, et crucem auream;
confessionem sancti Iohannis euangelistae ex argento, qui pens. lib. C, et crucem auream;
in ambis oratoriis ianuas aereas argentoclusas...
'He [Hilarus] built 3 oratories in the baptistery of the Constantinian basilica, of saint John the Baptist, saint John the Evangelist, and the Holy Cross, all of silver and precious stones:
the confessio of saint John the Baptist, of silver, weighing 100 lb, and a gold cross;
the confessio of saint John the Evangelist of silver, weighing 100 lb, and a gold cross;
in both oratories bronze doors chased with silver.'
There follows a list of offerings for the oratory of the Holy Cross, followed by those at the confessio of saint John:
Ante confessionem beati Iohannis:
coronam argenteam, pens. lib. XX;
farum cantarum, pens. lib. XXV;
farum cantarum, pens. lib. XXV.
Item ad sanctum Iohannem intra sanctum fontem:
lucernam auream cum nixus luminum X, pens. lib. V;
cervos argenteos III fundentes aquam, pens. sing. lib. XXX;
turrem argenteam cum delfinos, pens. lib. LX;
columbam auream, pens. lib. II.
In front of the confessio of the blessed John:
a silver crown weighing 20 lb;
a chandelier weighing 25 lb;
Also at saint John within the holy Font:
a gold lantern with 10 wicks for lighting, weighing 5 lb;
3 silver stags pouring water, each weighing 30 lb;
a silver tower with dolphins, weighing 60 lb;
a gold dove weighing 2 lb...
There follows a list of offerings at the Constantinian Basilica [= the Lateran basilica]
Ad beatum Petrum apostolum:
scyphum aureum, pens. lib. V;
alium scyphum aureum cum gemmis prasinis et yaquintis, pens. lib. IIII;
calices argenteos ministeriales X, pens. sing. lib. II;
amas argenteas II, pens. sing. lib. VIII;
fara cantara argentea XXIIII, pens. sing. lib. V.
'At the blessed Peter the Apostle:
a gold scyphus weighing 5 lb;
another gold scyphus with prase and jacinth jewels, weighing 4 lb;
10 silver service chalices each weighing 2 lb;
2 silver amae each weighing 8 lb;
24 silver chandeliers each weighing 5 lb.'
Ad beatum Paulum apostolum:
scyphum aureum, pens. lib. V;
alium scyphum aureum cum gemmis, pens. lib. V;
scyphos argenteos IIII, pens. sing. lib. VI;
calices ministeriales X, pens. sing. lib. II;
amas argenteas II, pens. sing. lib. X.
'At the blessed Paul the Apostle:
a gold scyphus weighing 5 lb;
another gold scyphus with jewels, weighing 5 lb;
4 silver scyphi each weighing 6 lb;
10 service chalices each weighing 2 lb;
2 silver amae each weighing 10 lb.'
Ad beatum Laurentium martyrem:
scyphum aureum cum gemmis prasinis et yacintis, pens. lib. IIII;
lucernam auream nixorum X, pens. lib. V;
scyphum auro purissimo, pens. lib. V;
lampadas aureas II, pens. sing. lib. I;
farum cantarum aureum, pens. lib. II;
turrem argenteam cum delfinos, pens. lib. XXV;
scyphos argenteos III, pens. sing. lib. VIII;
calices ministeriales XII, pens. sing. lib. II;
altarem argenteum, pens. lib. XL;
lampadas argenteas X, pens. lib. XX;
amas argenteas II, pens. sing. lib. X;
In basilica beati Laurenti martyris:
phara cantara argentea X, pens. lib. LX;
cantara aerea XXVI;
ministeria ad baptismum sive ad paenitentem argentea, pens. lib. X;
fara aerea L.
'At the blessed Laurence the martyr:
a gold scyphus with prase and jacinth jewels, weighing 4 lb;
a lantern of finest gold with 10 wicks, weighing 5 lb;
a scyphus of finest gold weighing 5 lb;
2 gold lamps each weighing 1 lb;
a gold chandelier weighing 2 lb;
a silver tower with dolphins, weighing 25 lb;
3 silver scyphi each weighing 8 lb;
12 service chalices each weighing 2 lb;
a silver altar weighing 40 lb;
10 silver lamps weighing 20 lb;
2 silver amae each weighing 10 lb.
10. In the basilica of the blessed Laurence the martyr:
10 silver chandeliers weighing 60 lb;
26 bronze chandeliers;
silver services for baptism and for penance, weighing 10 lb;
50 bronze lights.'
In urbe vero Roma constituit ministeria, qui circuirent constitutas stationes:
scyphum aureum stationarium, pens. lib. VIII;
scyphos argenteos XXV per titulos, pens. sing. lib. X;
amas argenteas XXV, pens. sing. lib. X;
calices ministeriales L, pens. sing. lib. II.
Hic omnia in basilica Constantiniana vel ad sancta Maria constituta recondit.
Hic fecit monasterio ad sanctum Laurentium et balneum et alium sub aere et pretorium
'In Rome he arranged services to circulate around the established stationes:
a gold scyphus for stational use, weighing 8 lb;
25 silver scyphi for the tituli , each weighing 10 lb;
25 silver amae each weighing 10 lb;
50 service chalices each weighing 2 lb.
He had ordered all these to be kept at the Constantinian basilica and at St Mary’s.
He built a monastery at St Laurence’s, and a bath, and another in the open air, and a praetorium .'
Text: Duchesne 1886, 242-245. Translation: Davis 2010, 37-40, lightly modified
The passage in brackets, <>, is an interpolation, recorded in only some manuscripts of the Liber Pontificalis; it is uncertain when it was added to the text.
Evidence ID
E01307Saint Name
Lawrence, martyr of Rome, ob. 258 : S00037 Mary, Mother of Christ : S00033 Peter the Apostle : S00036 Paul, the Apostle : S00008 John the Baptist : S00020 Stephen, the First Martyr : S00030 John the Evangelist : S00042 Hilarus, bishop of Rome,Saint Name in Source
Laurentius Maria Petrus Paulus Iohannes Baptista Stephanus Iohannes Euangelista HilariusRelated Saint Records
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Peter_the_Apostle/13729195
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/John_the_Baptist/13729156
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Paul_the_Apostle/13729135
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Hilarus_bishop_of_Rome_ob_468/13730629
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Laurence_Laurentius_deacon_and_martyr_of_Rome/13729198
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Stephen_the_First_Martyr/13729177
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/John_the_Apostle_and_Evangelist/13729210
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Mary_Mother_of_Christ/13729186
Type of Evidence
Literary - Other narrative texts (including Histories)Language
- Latin
Evidence not before
530Evidence not after
546Activity not before
461Activity not after
468Place of Evidence - Region
Rome and regionPlace of Evidence - City, village, etc
RomePlace of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Rome Rome Rome Roma Ῥώμη RhōmēMajor author/Major anonymous work
Liber PontificalisCult activities - Liturgical Activity
- Other liturgical acts and ceremonies