E01301: Coptic funerary inscription for a man named Hypnos with an invocation to the God of *Kollouthos (physician and martyr of Antinoopolis, S00641), presumably 6th/7th century, most likely from Antinoopolis or Hermopolis (Middle Egypt).
'The blessed Hypnos. God of saint Kollouthos, may you have mercy on his soul. Amen. And may you (Kollouthos) pray for my soul, since the Lord has turned me around during the days of my early childhood. For which human being who will live shall not experience death?'
Translation: Gesa Schenke.
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Kollouthos, physician from Antinoopolis (Middle Egypt), ob. early 4th cent. : S00641
Cult activities - Non Liturgical Practices and Customs
The grave stele is kept at the Bibliothéque Nationale in Paris, Inv. 43.
For a comparison with other invocations to the God of saint Kollouthos on grave steles, see E01263 and E01264.
The invocation to Kollouthos with respect to the person who commissioned the stele seems to refer to himself as having received healing as a child through the intercession of the saint.
Revillout, E., 'Mélanges d’épigraphie et de linguistique égyptienne', in: Mélanges d’ Archéologie égyptienne et assyrienne, Paris, 1873–1876, II, 166–196, esp. 173–174.