E01205: Relic-labels, written in Latin, some of them datable by their script to the 6th and 7th centuries, name a number of saints whose relics were in the possession of the monastery of Saint-Maurice-d'Agaune (eastern Gaul).
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posted on 2016-03-14, 00:00 authored by BryanEt. 1, AASM, CHN 64/1/1 (7th c.)
reliquias s(an)c(t)i audimundo marture
'Relics of saint Audimond the martyr'
Et. 2, AASM, CHN 64/1/2 (6th-7th c.)
s(an)c(t)o sulpicio
'From Saint Sulpicius'
Et. 3, AASM, CHN 64/1/3 (7th c.)
s(an)c(t)i ambro s(an)c(t)i nazari s(an)c(t)i geruasi et s(an)c(t)i prothasi
'Of saint Ambrose, saint Nazarius, saint Gervasius, and saint Protasius'
Et. 3, AASM, CHN 64/1/4 (7th c.)
s(an)c(t)i geruasi et s(an)c(t)i prothasi
'Of saints Gervasius and saint Protasius'
Et. 5, AASM, CHN 64/1/5 (2nd half of the 7th c.)
+Reliquias de s(an)c(t)o abacyro
'+Relics of saint Abacyrus' [for 'Abba Kyros']
Et. 6, AASM, CHN 64/1/6 (7th-8th c.)
s(an)c(t)i iohannis martyris
'Of saint John the martyr'
Et. 7, AASM, CHN 64/1/7 (7th-8th c.)
de uestieuentu s(an)c(t)e maree
'Of the vestments of saint Mary'
Et. 8, AASM, CHN 64/1/8 (2nd half of the 7th c.)
patrocinias sancto maoricio
'Relics of saint Maurice'
Et. 9, AASM, CHN 64/1/9 (6th-7th c.)
+reliquia s(an)c(t)i martini
'Relics of saint Martin'
Et. 10, AASM, CHN 64/1/10 (6th-7th c.)
+sancta cruce
'+ From the holy cross'
Et. 11, AASM, CHN 64/1/11 (7th c.)
s(an)c(t)o necetio/a
'From saint Nicetius/Nicetas'
Et. 13, AASM, CHN 64/1/13 (2nd half of the 7th)
s(an)c(t)o amando mar(tyre)
'From saint Amandus, the martyr'
reliquias s(an)c(t)i audimundo marture
'Relics of saint Audimond the martyr'
Et. 2, AASM, CHN 64/1/2 (6th-7th c.)
s(an)c(t)o sulpicio
'From Saint Sulpicius'
Et. 3, AASM, CHN 64/1/3 (7th c.)
s(an)c(t)i ambro s(an)c(t)i nazari s(an)c(t)i geruasi et s(an)c(t)i prothasi
'Of saint Ambrose, saint Nazarius, saint Gervasius, and saint Protasius'
Et. 3, AASM, CHN 64/1/4 (7th c.)
s(an)c(t)i geruasi et s(an)c(t)i prothasi
'Of saints Gervasius and saint Protasius'
Et. 5, AASM, CHN 64/1/5 (2nd half of the 7th c.)
+Reliquias de s(an)c(t)o abacyro
'+Relics of saint Abacyrus' [for 'Abba Kyros']
Et. 6, AASM, CHN 64/1/6 (7th-8th c.)
s(an)c(t)i iohannis martyris
'Of saint John the martyr'
Et. 7, AASM, CHN 64/1/7 (7th-8th c.)
de uestieuentu s(an)c(t)e maree
'Of the vestments of saint Mary'
Et. 8, AASM, CHN 64/1/8 (2nd half of the 7th c.)
patrocinias sancto maoricio
'Relics of saint Maurice'
Et. 9, AASM, CHN 64/1/9 (6th-7th c.)
+reliquia s(an)c(t)i martini
'Relics of saint Martin'
Et. 10, AASM, CHN 64/1/10 (6th-7th c.)
+sancta cruce
'+ From the holy cross'
Et. 11, AASM, CHN 64/1/11 (7th c.)
s(an)c(t)o necetio/a
'From saint Nicetius/Nicetas'
Et. 13, AASM, CHN 64/1/13 (2nd half of the 7th)
s(an)c(t)o amando mar(tyre)
'From saint Amandus, the martyr'
Evidence ID
E01205Saint Name
Aunemond, bishop of Lyon, ob. c. 660 : S00731 Nereus and Achilleus, eunuchs and martyrs of Rome, and Companions : S00403 Ambrose, bishop of Milan (ob. 397) : S00490 Gervasius and Protasius, martyrs of Milan (Italy), ob. 1st/4th c. : S00313 NazariSaint Name in Source
Audimundus Sulpicius Ambrosius Geruasius, Prothasius Nazarius Abacyrus Iohannes Maoricius Necetius/Necetas Necetius/Necetas Amandus AmandusRelated Saint Records
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Nazarius_and_Celsus_companion_martyrs_of_Milan/13729888
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Aunemund_bishop_and_martyr_of_Lyon_ob_660_664/13731019
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Gervasius_and_Protasius_martyrs_of_Milan/13729978
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Kyros_and_Ioannes_Cyrus_and_John_physician_and_soldier_martyrs_of_Egypt/13730242
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Nicetius_bishop_of_Lyon_ob_573/13729231
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Nereus_and_Achilleus_eunuchs_and_martyrs_of_Rome_and_companions/13730233
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Amarandus_martyr_of_Albi/13730032
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Iohannes_martyr_of_Rome_under_the_emperor_Julian_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_vetus/13730497
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Theban_Legion_commanded_by_Maurice_martyrs_of_Agaunum_Gaul/13730044
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Nicetas_bishop_of_Vienne_ob_c_450/13731028
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Mary_Mother_of_Christ/13729186
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Amandus_bishop_and_martyr_of_Maastricht_ob_c_675/13731031
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Ambrose_bishop_of_Milan_ob_397/13738816
Type of Evidence
Documentary texts - Relic labelLanguage
- Latin