University of Oxford

E01205: Relic-labels, written in Latin, some of them datable by their script to the 6th and 7th centuries, name a number of saints whose relics were in the possession of the monastery of Saint-Maurice-d'Agaune (eastern Gaul).

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posted on 2016-03-14, 00:00 authored by Bryan
Et. 1, AASM, CHN 64/1/1 (7th c.)

reliquias s(an)c(t)i audimundo marture

'Relics of saint Audimond the martyr'

Et. 2, AASM, CHN 64/1/2 (6th-7th c.)

s(an)c(t)o sulpicio

'From Saint Sulpicius'

Et. 3, AASM, CHN 64/1/3 (7th c.)

s(an)c(t)i ambro s(an)c(t)i nazari s(an)c(t)i geruasi et s(an)c(t)i prothasi

'Of saint Ambrose, saint Nazarius, saint Gervasius, and saint Protasius'

Et. 3, AASM, CHN 64/1/4 (7th c.)

s(an)c(t)i geruasi et s(an)c(t)i prothasi

'Of saints Gervasius and saint Protasius'

Et. 5, AASM, CHN 64/1/5 (2nd half of the 7th c.)

+Reliquias de s(an)c(t)o abacyro

'+Relics of saint Abacyrus' [for 'Abba Kyros']

Et. 6, AASM, CHN 64/1/6 (7th-8th c.)

s(an)c(t)i iohannis martyris

'Of saint John the martyr'

Et. 7, AASM, CHN 64/1/7 (7th-8th c.)

de uestieuentu s(an)c(t)e maree

'Of the vestments of saint Mary'

Et. 8, AASM, CHN 64/1/8 (2nd half of the 7th c.)

patrocinias sancto maoricio

'Relics of saint Maurice'

Et. 9, AASM, CHN 64/1/9 (6th-7th c.)

+reliquia s(an)c(t)i martini

'Relics of saint Martin'

Et. 10, AASM, CHN 64/1/10 (6th-7th c.)

+sancta cruce

'+ From the holy cross'

Et. 11, AASM, CHN 64/1/11 (7th c.)

s(an)c(t)o necetio/a

'From saint Nicetius/Nicetas'

Et. 13, AASM, CHN 64/1/13 (2nd half of the 7th)

s(an)c(t)o amando mar(tyre)

'From saint Amandus, the martyr'


Evidence ID


Saint Name

Aunemond, bishop of Lyon, ob. c. 660 : S00731 Nereus and Achilleus, eunuchs and martyrs of Rome, and Companions : S00403 Ambrose, bishop of Milan (ob. 397) : S00490 Gervasius and Protasius, martyrs of Milan (Italy), ob. 1st/4th c. : S00313 Nazari

Saint Name in Source

Audimundus Sulpicius Ambrosius Geruasius, Prothasius Nazarius Abacyrus Iohannes Maoricius Necetius/Necetas Necetius/Necetas Amandus Amandus

Type of Evidence

Documentary texts - Relic label


  • Latin

Evidence not before


Evidence not after


Activity not before


Activity not after


Place of Evidence - Region

Gaul and Frankish kingdoms

Place of Evidence - City, village, etc


Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)

Saint-Maurice-d'Agaune Tours Tours Toronica urbs Prisciniacensim vicus Pressigny Turonorum civitas Ceratensis vicus Céré

Cult Activities - Relics

Unspecified relic Bodily relic - unspecified Reliquary – institutionally owned Contact relic - cloth Contact relic - saint’s possession and clothes


The relic labels were attached to relics for the purpose of their identification. The collection of Saint-Maurice-d'Agaune consists both of the labels which are still attached to relics, wrapped in pieces of fabric, and others which were detached from relics in the early modern period, often replaced by new labels but still kept in the sanctuary. They originate from various periods, the oldest dating from the 6th century. Not all labels were linked with the saints' relics, several of them were attached to objects from the Holy Land.


The sancto sulpicio of one of these labels might be Sulpicius of Rome, companion of Servilianus and buried with him on the via Latina (E05171), both are supporting characters in the Martyrdom of *Nereus, Achilleus and Companions (S00403). But since our label does not even state the place of origin of the relic, this identification is necessarily very uncertain.


Catalogue: Smith, J., "Catalogue des étiquettes," in: P.A. Mariaux (ed.), L'abbaye de Saint-Maurice d'Agaune 515-2015, vol. 2 Le trésor (Gollion, 2015), 232-257. Further reading: Smith, J., "Les reliques et leurs étiquettes," in: P.A. Mariaux (ed.), L'abbaye de Saint-Maurice d'Agaune 515-2015, vol. 2 Le trésor (Gollion, 2015), 221-231.

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