E01091: Fragment from a Greek fiscal codex from Aphrodito (Upper Egypt), offering a list of fugitives and mentioning among them monks from the monastery of *Shenoute (abbot of the White Monastery, d. 465) in the Panopolite nome; dated around the year 709.
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posted on 2016-01-22, 00:00 authored by gschenkeP.Lond 4 1460:
Line 2:
Βίκτωρ Μάρκο\υ/ [ -ca.?- ἀπὸ μο]ν(αστηρίου) Ἁγί(ου) Σε[νουθ(ίου) ̣ ̣]
'Viktor, son of Markos, from the monastery of saint Shenoute ….'
Line 8:
Παμουν Σενουθ(ίου) ἀπὸ μον(αστηρίου) Ἁγίο\υ/ Σενου(θίου) τ(ῆς) αὐτ(ῆς) [i.e. π(αγ)αρχ(ίας) Παν(ός)]
'Pamoun, son of Shenout(e), from the monastery of saint Shenoute in the same (pagarchy of Panopolis).'
Line 22:
[Μ]α̣καρίο\υ/ Μηνᾶ [ -ca.?- ἀπὸ μο]ν(αστηρίου) Ἁγί\ου/ Σενου(θίου) π(αγ)αρ(χίας) Παν(ός)
'Markos, son of Menas, from the monastery of saint Shenoute in the pagarchy of Panopolis.'
Line 26:
Ματοι Ἄπα Δῖο̣ν ἀπὸ Ἁγί(ου) Σενο\υ/θ(ίου) π(αγ)αρχ(ίας) Πανό(ς)
'Matoi, son of Apa Dion, from saint Shenoute in the pagarchy of Panopolis.'
Line 28:
[Σ]ί̣ως Ἀβραὰμ̣ ἀπὸ Ἁγί(ου) Σενουθ(ίου) π(αγ)αρχ(ίας) Παν(ός)
'Sios, son of Abraham, from saint Shenoute in the pagarchy of Panopolis.'
Line 168:
[Σε]ν̣ούθ(ιος) Φιλου̣γ̣τ( ) \ἀπὸ μο(ναστηρίου) (Ἁγίου)/ Σεν(ουθίου) παγ(αρ)χ(ίας) Παν(ός)
'Shenoute, son of Philou…, from the monastery of saint Shenoute in the pagarchy of Panopolis.'
Line 173:
[Πέ]τ̣ρο(ς) Γεωργίο\υ/ ἀπὸ μονα̣(στηρίου) Ἁγί(ου) Σενο(υθίου) παγα(ρ)χ̣(ίας) Παν(ός)
'Petros, son of Georgios, from the monastery of saint Shenoute in the pagarchy of Panopolis.'
For monks from other monasteries see $E04312.
The full text is available online at:
Line 2:
Βίκτωρ Μάρκο\υ/ [ -ca.?- ἀπὸ μο]ν(αστηρίου) Ἁγί(ου) Σε[νουθ(ίου) ̣ ̣]
'Viktor, son of Markos, from the monastery of saint Shenoute ….'
Line 8:
Παμουν Σενουθ(ίου) ἀπὸ μον(αστηρίου) Ἁγίο\υ/ Σενου(θίου) τ(ῆς) αὐτ(ῆς) [i.e. π(αγ)αρχ(ίας) Παν(ός)]
'Pamoun, son of Shenout(e), from the monastery of saint Shenoute in the same (pagarchy of Panopolis).'
Line 22:
[Μ]α̣καρίο\υ/ Μηνᾶ [ -ca.?- ἀπὸ μο]ν(αστηρίου) Ἁγί\ου/ Σενου(θίου) π(αγ)αρ(χίας) Παν(ός)
'Markos, son of Menas, from the monastery of saint Shenoute in the pagarchy of Panopolis.'
Line 26:
Ματοι Ἄπα Δῖο̣ν ἀπὸ Ἁγί(ου) Σενο\υ/θ(ίου) π(αγ)αρχ(ίας) Πανό(ς)
'Matoi, son of Apa Dion, from saint Shenoute in the pagarchy of Panopolis.'
Line 28:
[Σ]ί̣ως Ἀβραὰμ̣ ἀπὸ Ἁγί(ου) Σενουθ(ίου) π(αγ)αρχ(ίας) Παν(ός)
'Sios, son of Abraham, from saint Shenoute in the pagarchy of Panopolis.'
Line 168:
[Σε]ν̣ούθ(ιος) Φιλου̣γ̣τ( ) \ἀπὸ μο(ναστηρίου) (Ἁγίου)/ Σεν(ουθίου) παγ(αρ)χ(ίας) Παν(ός)
'Shenoute, son of Philou…, from the monastery of saint Shenoute in the pagarchy of Panopolis.'
Line 173:
[Πέ]τ̣ρο(ς) Γεωργίο\υ/ ἀπὸ μονα̣(στηρίου) Ἁγί(ου) Σενο(υθίου) παγα(ρ)χ̣(ίας) Παν(ός)
'Petros, son of Georgios, from the monastery of saint Shenoute in the pagarchy of Panopolis.'
For monks from other monasteries see $E04312.
The full text is available online at:
Evidence ID
E01091Saint Name
Shenoute, abbot of the White Monastery near Akhmim/Panopolis (Upper Egypt), ob. c. 465. : S00688Saint Name in Source
ΣενούθιοςRelated Saint Records
Type of Evidence
Documentary texts - Fiscal document Late antique original manuscripts - Papyrus codexLanguage
- Greek
Evidence not before
705Evidence not after
710Activity not before
705Activity not after
710Place of Evidence - Region
Egypt and CyrenaicaPlace of Evidence - City, village, etc
AphroditoPlace of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Aphrodito Hermopolis ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛ Ashmunein HermopolisCult activities - Places
Cult building - monasticCult activities - Places Named after Saint
- Monastery
This fragmentary papyrus codex belongs to the British Library, London, British Library pap. inv. 1494.Discussion
The monastery mentioned here seems to be the White Monastery of Apa Shenoute near Panopolis, located not a long distance south of Aphrodito.Bibliography
Text: Bell, H.I., and Crum, W.E., Greek Papyri in the British Museum. London IV: The Aphrodito Papyri (London, 1910).Usage metrics
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