E01081: Greek inscription commemorating the construction of a building with the help of God and unnamed *Archangels. Found near Flaviopolis (Cilicia, south-east Asia Minor). Probably 6th c.
Cult activities - Non Liturgical Practices and Customs
Construction of cult buildings
Cult Activities - Miracles
Saint aiding or preventing the construction of a cult building
Cult Activities - Protagonists in Cult and Narratives
Ecclesiastics - lesser clergy
A stone block found at Çemkale-Farnas near ancient Flaviopolis. H. c. 0.30 m; W. c. 1 m. When recorded, it had been reused in the wall of a gate of a medieval fortress.
The inscription commemorates the completion of a building, presumably a place of cult, by Theodoros, deacon and physician, and his unnamed wife. They declare that the work was accomplished with the help of God and unspecified Archangels. Dagron and Feissel note that the assistance of angels is sometimes mentioned in building inscriptions of nearby Syria.
I. Cilicia - Dagron, G., Feissel, D. (eds.), Inscriptions de Cilicie (Paris: De Boccard, 1987), no. 116.
Dagron, G., Marcillet-Jaubert, J., "Inscriptions de Cilicie et d'Isaurie", Belleten Türk Tarih Kurumu 42 (1978), no. 26.
Reference works:
Bulletin épigraphique (1979), 600.
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 28, 1261; 37, 1243.