E01078: Greek inscription labelling a tomb owned by a house of ascetics (asketerion) of *Mary (Mother of Christ, S00033) venerated as the God-Bearer. Found at Anazarbos (Cilicia, south-east Asia Minor). Probably 6th c. or later.
Engraved on a wall in a 5 m deep and 2 m wide niche in the rock-face over the theatre at Anazabra. Seen and copied by Adolf Wilhelm in the spring of 1891.
The inscription labels a tomb owned by a house of ascetics (asketerion) of Mary, venerated here as the God-Bearer.
Dating: 6th c. or later (based on the style of lettering, the spelling and syntax).
Die Inschriften von Anazarbos und Umgebung, no. 646.
Heberdey, R., Wilhelm, A., Kiepert H., Reisen in Kilikien (Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Classe, Bd. 44, Abh. 6, Vienna: In Commission bei C. Gerold's Sohn, 1896), no. 93.
Further reading:
Mietke, G., "Monumentalisierung christilcher Heiliger in Kilikien in frühbyzantinischer Zeit", Olba 17 (2009), 120.