E01074: Unpublished Greek inscription mentioning an unnamed (?) *Archangel. Reportedly seen at Korykos (Cilicia, south-east Asia Minor). Now lost or recorded by mistake.
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posted on 2016-01-11, 00:00authored bypnowakowski
Gabriele Mietke mentions an unpublished inscription, reportedly found near the so-called monastic church at Korykos, with a reference to an *Archangel (based on Sayar 2000, 279). However, Philipp Pilhofer (2018, 147, n. 247) notes that the reference given by Mietke does not support this statement. He also consulted Mustafa Sayar who did not recall having seen this text. Therefore, the inscription was most probably put on Mietke's checklist by mistake, or was spotted elsewhere.
Cult activities - Non Liturgical Practices and Customs
Further reading:
Mietke, G., "Monumentalisierung christilcher Heiliger in Kilikien in frühbyzantinischer Zeit", Olba 17 (2009), 121, note 30.
Pilhofer, Ph., Das frühe Christentum im kilikisch-isaurischen Bergland: Die Christen der Kalykadnos-Region in den ersten fünf Jahrhunderten (Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2018), 147, n. 247.
Sayar, M.H., 'Kilikya'daepigrafive tarihicoğrafyaaraştırmaları, 1999.' Araştırma sonuçları toplantısı 18/1 (2000), 275–288.