E00948: Coptic graffito of the 7th/8th c. in the monastery of Apa Apollo at Bawit, near Hermopolis (Middle Egypt) with an invocation to *Shenoute (abbot of the White Monastery, d. 465), Apa *Apollo (founder of the monastery at Bawit, 4th century ) and other unnamed holy fathers.
'God, of our holy fathers, saint Shenoute and Apa Apollo together with all our holy fathers!'
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Shenoute, abbot of the White Monastery near Akhmim/Panopolis (Upper Egypt), ob. c. 465. : S00688
Apa Apollo, founder of the monastery at Bawit : S00160
Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Cult activities - Places
Cult building - monastic
Cult activities - Non Liturgical Practices and Customs
Graffito on the wall of chapel 19, see IBaouit Clédat, p. 120, no 2.
The monastery of Apa Apollo was a site for pilgrimage, especially for people visiting the tomb of its founder Apa Apollo. Archaeological evidence points to the existence of a reception room for pilgrims of all ages and both sexes where many of them left their graffiti. Visitors came from various different areas and districts of Egypt, such as the Fayum and Aphrodito.
Clackson, S.J., Coptic and Greek Texts relating to the Hermopolite Monastery of Apa Apollo (Oxford, 2000), 6.
Papaconstantinou, A., Le Culte des Saints en Égypte des Byzantins aux Abbassides (Paris, 2001), 185–186.