E00825: Greek inscription commemorating the paving of an aisle and the construction of a chancel screen in a church at Bargylia (Caria, western Asia Minor) by a certain Auxibios, probably a member of the city council, giving thanks to *Peter (the Apostle, S00036) and unnamed saints (S00518). Probably late antique (5th-6th c.).
1. π(ρωτεύων) or π(ολιτευόμενος) Destephen, π(ρεσβύτερος?) Traina
'I, Auxibios, the most respected m(ember of the city council?), having used the gifts of God, paved this stoa (i.e. aisle) and constructed the chancel screen as a vow for delivering me and my children, giving thanks to Saint Peter and the saints.'
Text: Traina 1990, no. 2. Translation: P. Nowakowski.
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Peter the Apostle : S00036
Anonymous saints : S00518
Cult activities - Non Liturgical Practices and Customs
Cult Activities - Protagonists in Cult and Narratives
Chancel screen slab found in the ruins of Bargylia: H. 0.7 m; W. 0.58 m; Th. 0.33 m. The inscription is written on the side lacking ornament.
The inscription records a vow of a certain Auxibios (see PCBE 3, Auxibios), giving thanks to *Peter the Apostle and some unnamed saints. Auxibios says that he makes the vow also on behalf of his children but he does not mention his wife. The object of the vow is paving an aisle and constructing a chancel screen in a local church.
Auxibios' function is abbreviated as αἰδεσιμ(ώτατος) π(- - -). Giusto Traina, the first editor of the inscription, says that he could be a presbyter, π(ρεσβύτερος), but Sylvain Destephen points out that presbyters were not styled αἰδεσιμώτατοι and one would rather expect a municipal official, e.g. a member of the city council, π(ολιτευόμενος) or a principalis, π(ρωτεύων).
The inscription is dated by Traina to the 5th or 6th c., based on palaeography, a dating which seems entirely plausible.
Traina, G.,"Iscrizioni bizantine de Bargylia (Caria)", Orientalia Christiana Periodica 56 (1990), no. 2.
Further reading:
Destephen, S., Prosopographie du Diocese d'Asie (325-641) (Prosopographie chrétienne du Bas-Empire 3, Paris: Association des amis du centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2008), Auxibios.
Reference works:
Chroniques d'épigraphie byzantine, 305.
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 40, 953.