E00731: Greek supply order from the Oxyrhynchite nome (Middle Egypt) concerning wheat and vegetable seed for the shrine of a local martyr, perhaps Apa *Taurine (S02678), providing a precise date on the document, 14 August 398.
'(Order from) Phileas: Deliver to the holy martyr shrine of Apa T … eight artabas of wheat (and) two artabas of vegetable seed. (Makes in total) 8 artabas of wheat, 2 artabas of vegetable seed.'
(Trans. Gesa Schenke)
The full record is available online at: http://papyri.info/ddbdp/p.haun;3;67
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Saints, name wholly or largely lost : S01744
Taurinos, saint with cult in Hermopolis (Middle Egypt) : S02678
Documentary texts - Other private document
Late antique original manuscripts - Papyrus sheet
Evidence not before
Evidence not after
Activity not before
Activity not after
Place of Evidence - Region
Egypt and Cyrenaica
Place of Evidence - City, village, etc
Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Cult activities - Places
Cult building - unspecified
Cult activities - Non Liturgical Practices and Customs
Bequests, donations, gifts and offerings
P.Haun. 3 67, the papyrus is in Copenhagen, Institute for Greek and Latin, inv. no. P. Haun. 63.
This document presents so far the earliest dated evidence from Egypt for the use of the term martyrion/martyria (martyr shrine). Since the delivery ordered here does not include a list of how to distribute the amount of goods among several martyr shrines, one needs to assume that the plural form used refers to just one shrine dedicated to a saint named Apa T… If the reading of the first letter of the saint’s name is correct, then Apa Taurine/Taurinos would spring to mind, for whom a shrine (εὐκτήριον) is known from Hermopolis.
One artaba of wheat equals roughly 30kg. Similarly large amounts were left to a martyr shrine in Hipponon in the Herakleopolite nome, very near to Oxyrhynchos, see E00734.
What exactly was the intended use of these 'donations' remains a matter of speculation. The supplies might well have been for the distribution of alms, but may also have fed the clergy responsible for the shrine, or even constitute payments of produce from land owned by the shrine.
Larsen, T. and Bülow-Jacobsen, A., Papyri Graecae Haunienses, fasciculus tertius. Subliterary texts and Byzantine documents from Egypt (Papyrologische Texte und Abhandlungen 36; Bonn, 1985).