E00683: The Notitia ecclesiarum urbis Romae, a guide to saints' graves around Rome, lists those on the via Appia, south of the city. Written in Latin in Rome, 625/649.
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posted on 2015-09-03, 00:00 authored by PhilipCatalogue of the Churches of the City of Rome (Notitia ecclesiarum urbis Romae) 21-23
Et eadem uia ad aquilonem ad sanctos martires Tiburtium et Valerianum et Maximum; ibi intrabis in speluncam magnam et ibi inuenies sanctum Urbanum episcopum et confessorem, et in altero loco Felicissimum et Agapitum martires et diaconos Syxti, et in tercio loco Cyrinum martirem, et in quarto Ianuarium martirem. Et in tertia ecclesia sursum sanctus Synon martir quiescit.
Eadem uia ad sanctam Caeciliam; ibi innumerabilis multitudo martirum: primus Syxtus papa et martir, Dionisius papa et martir, Iulianus papa et martir, Flauianus martir, sancta Caecilia uirgo et martir, LXXX martires ibi requiescunt deorsum; Zeferinus papa et confessor sursum quiescit; Eusebius papa et martir longe in antro requiescit; Cornelius papa et martir longe in antro altero requiescit.
Postea peruenies ad sanctam uirginem Soterem et martirem, cuius corpus iacet ad aquilonem.
'[From San Sebastiano] by the same road to the north, to the holy martyrs Tiburtius and Valerianus, and Maximus. There you will enter a large catacomb and there find saint Urbanus, bishop and confessor, and in another place Felicissimus and Agapitus, martyrs and deacons of Syxtus, and in a third place the martyr Cyrinus, and in a fourth Ianuarius, martyr. And in a third church above, saint Synon the martyr rests.
On the same road, to saint Caecilia; there a countless multitude of martyrs: first, Syxtus, pope and martyr, Dionysius, pope and martyr, Julianus, pope and martyr, Flavianus martyr, saint Caecilia, virgin and martyr, and 80 martyrs rest there below. Zephyrinus, pope and confessor, rests above. Eusebius, pope and martyr, rests deep in a cavern. Cornelius, pope and martyr, rests deep in another cavern.
Then you come to saint Soteris, virgin and martyr, whose body lies to the north.'
Text: Glorie 1965, 308. Translation: R. Wiśniewski, P. Polcar
The bracketed <> passage is an interpolation added, in a more-or-less contemporary hand, to the late-8th-century Vienna manuscript of the text. The information it contains probably derived from another written source (of uncertain date), rather than from new direct observation.
First paragraph: [*Tiburtius, Valerianus, and Maximus, martyrs of Rome associated with Caecilia, S00537; *Urbanus, bishop and confessor/martyr of Rome, S00538; *Felicissimus and Agapitus, deacons of Xystus II, martyrs of Rome, S00202; *Cyrinus, martyr/confessor of Rome buried in the cemetery of Praetextatus, S01225; *Ianuarius, perhaps one of the seven sons of *Felicitas, S00525; *Zenon, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Appia, S00541]
Second paragraph: [*Caecilia, virgin and martyr of Rome, S00146; *Xystus/Sixtus II, bishop and martyr of Rome; S00201; *Dionysius, bishop of Rome, ob. c. 267, S00542; *Julianus, martyr of Rome, S00082; *Zephyrinus, bishop of Rome, ob. c. 217, S00546; *Eusebius, bishop of Rome, ob. c. 308, S00545; *Cornelius, bishop and martyr of Rome, S00172]
Third paragraph: [*Soteris, virgin and martyr of Rome, buried on the via Appia, S00548]
Et eadem uia ad aquilonem ad sanctos martires Tiburtium et Valerianum et Maximum; ibi intrabis in speluncam magnam et ibi inuenies sanctum Urbanum episcopum et confessorem, et in altero loco Felicissimum et Agapitum martires et diaconos Syxti, et in tercio loco Cyrinum martirem, et in quarto Ianuarium martirem. Et in tertia ecclesia sursum sanctus Synon martir quiescit.
Eadem uia ad sanctam Caeciliam; ibi innumerabilis multitudo martirum: primus Syxtus papa et martir, Dionisius papa et martir, Iulianus papa et martir, Flauianus martir, sancta Caecilia uirgo et martir, LXXX martires ibi requiescunt deorsum; Zeferinus papa et confessor sursum quiescit; Eusebius papa et martir longe in antro requiescit; Cornelius papa et martir longe in antro altero requiescit.
Postea peruenies ad sanctam uirginem Soterem et martirem, cuius corpus iacet ad aquilonem.
'[From San Sebastiano] by the same road to the north, to the holy martyrs Tiburtius and Valerianus, and Maximus. There you will enter a large catacomb and there find saint Urbanus, bishop and confessor, and in another place Felicissimus and Agapitus, martyrs and deacons of Syxtus, and in a third place the martyr Cyrinus, and in a fourth Ianuarius, martyr. And in a third church above, saint Synon the martyr rests.
On the same road, to saint Caecilia; there a countless multitude of martyrs: first, Syxtus, pope and martyr, Dionysius, pope and martyr, Julianus, pope and martyr, Flavianus martyr, saint Caecilia, virgin and martyr, and 80 martyrs rest there below. Zephyrinus, pope and confessor, rests above. Eusebius, pope and martyr, rests deep in a cavern. Cornelius, pope and martyr, rests deep in another cavern.
Then you come to saint Soteris, virgin and martyr, whose body lies to the north.'
Text: Glorie 1965, 308. Translation: R. Wiśniewski, P. Polcar
The bracketed <> passage is an interpolation added, in a more-or-less contemporary hand, to the late-8th-century Vienna manuscript of the text. The information it contains probably derived from another written source (of uncertain date), rather than from new direct observation.
First paragraph: [*Tiburtius, Valerianus, and Maximus, martyrs of Rome associated with Caecilia, S00537; *Urbanus, bishop and confessor/martyr of Rome, S00538; *Felicissimus and Agapitus, deacons of Xystus II, martyrs of Rome, S00202; *Cyrinus, martyr/confessor of Rome buried in the cemetery of Praetextatus, S01225; *Ianuarius, perhaps one of the seven sons of *Felicitas, S00525; *Zenon, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Appia, S00541]
Second paragraph: [*Caecilia, virgin and martyr of Rome, S00146; *Xystus/Sixtus II, bishop and martyr of Rome; S00201; *Dionysius, bishop of Rome, ob. c. 267, S00542; *Julianus, martyr of Rome, S00082; *Zephyrinus, bishop of Rome, ob. c. 217, S00546; *Eusebius, bishop of Rome, ob. c. 308, S00545; *Cornelius, bishop and martyr of Rome, S00172]
Third paragraph: [*Soteris, virgin and martyr of Rome, buried on the via Appia, S00548]
Evidence ID
E00683Saint Name
Cornelius, martyr and bishop of Rome, ob. c. 253 : S00172 Cecilia, virgin and martyr of Rome : S00146 Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus, martyrs in Rome, buried at Via Appia, ob. ??? : S00537 Urban, bishop of Rome, ob. c. 230 : S00538 FelicissimusSaint Name in Source
Cornelius Caecilia Tiburtius, Valerianus et Maximinus Urbanus Felicissimus Cyrinus Ianuarius Synon Syxtus Dionisius Iulianus Iulianus Flauianus Eusebius LXXX martires SoterisRelated Saint Records
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Martyrs_unnamed_or_name_lost/13729267
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Eusebius_bishop_of_Rome_ob_c_308/13730587
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Felicitas_martyr_of_Rome_with_her_sons_buried_on_the_via_Salaria/13730527
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Soteris_virgin_and_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Appia/13730596
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Zenon_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Appia/13730572
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Urbanus_bishop_and_confessor_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Appia/13730560
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Dionysius_bishop_of_Rome_ob_c_267/13730575
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Felicissimus_and_Agapitus_and_four_other_deacons_of_Xystus_II_all_martyrs_of_Rome/13729675
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Eighty_martyrs_in_Rome_ob_/13730593
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Cornelius_bishop_and_martyr_of_Rome_and_companion_martyrs/13729591
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Iulius_bishop_of_Rome_ob_352/13730578
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Xystus_Sixtus_II_bishop_and_martyr_of_Rome/13729672
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Flavianus_martyr_in_Rome_ob_/13730584
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Caecilia_virgin_and_martyr_of_Rome/13729516
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Cyrinus_Quirinus_martyr_confessor_of_Rome_buried_in_the_cemetery_of_Praetextatus_via_Appia/13732468
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Tiburtius_Valerianus_and_Maximus_martyrs_of_Rome_associated_with_Caecilia_buried_on_the_via_Appia/13730557
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Iulianus_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Appia/13729336
Type of Evidence
Literary - Pilgrim accounts and itinerariesLanguage
- Latin