E00680: The Notitia ecclesiarum urbis Romae, a guide to saints' graves around Rome, lists those on the via Labicana, south-east of the city. Written in Latin in Rome, probably in 625/649.
online resource
posted on 2015-09-03, 00:00 authored by pnowakowskiCatalogue of the Churches of the City of Rome (Notitia Ecclesiarum urbis Romae) 16
Ad Helenam uia Canpania multi martyres pausant: in aquilone parte ecclesiae Helenae, primus Tibertius martir; postea intrabis in sp[e]luncam: ibi pausant sancti martires Petrus presbyter et Marcellinus martir; postea in interiore antro Gorgonius martir et multi alii: et in uno loco in interiore spelunca XL martires, et in altero XXX martires, et in tercio IIII coronatos; et sancta Helena in sua rotunda.
'Many martyrs repose close to Helena, on the via Campania. First, in the northern part of Helena's church, there is the martyr Tiburtius. Then you enter the catacomb. There rest the holy martyrs Petrus, the presbyter, and Marcellinus, martyr. Then, in the inner grotto, the martyr Gorgonius and many others. And in one place, in an inner crypt, there are 40 Martyrs, and in another 30 Martyrs, and in a third, the Four Crowned ones. And saint Helena in her rotunda.'
Text: Glorie 1965, 307. Translation: R. Wiśniewski, P. Polcar
[*Helena, empress, mother of Constantine, ob. 328, S00185; *Tiburtius, son of the prefect Chromatius, martyr of Rome, S01404; *Marcellinus and Petrus, priest and exorcist, martyrs of Rome, S00577; *Gorgonius, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Labicana, S00576; perhaps the *Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, ob. early 4th c., S00103, or, more probably, *Forty martyrs of Rome, S00540; *Thirty Martyrs of Rome, S00586; *Four Crowned Martyrs - the second group, martyrs in Sirmium (Pannonia), in the late 3rd c., S00685]
Ad Helenam uia Canpania multi martyres pausant: in aquilone parte ecclesiae Helenae, primus Tibertius martir; postea intrabis in sp[e]luncam: ibi pausant sancti martires Petrus presbyter et Marcellinus martir; postea in interiore antro Gorgonius martir et multi alii: et in uno loco in interiore spelunca XL martires, et in altero XXX martires, et in tercio IIII coronatos; et sancta Helena in sua rotunda.
'Many martyrs repose close to Helena, on the via Campania. First, in the northern part of Helena's church, there is the martyr Tiburtius. Then you enter the catacomb. There rest the holy martyrs Petrus, the presbyter, and Marcellinus, martyr. Then, in the inner grotto, the martyr Gorgonius and many others. And in one place, in an inner crypt, there are 40 Martyrs, and in another 30 Martyrs, and in a third, the Four Crowned ones. And saint Helena in her rotunda.'
Text: Glorie 1965, 307. Translation: R. Wiśniewski, P. Polcar
[*Helena, empress, mother of Constantine, ob. 328, S00185; *Tiburtius, son of the prefect Chromatius, martyr of Rome, S01404; *Marcellinus and Petrus, priest and exorcist, martyrs of Rome, S00577; *Gorgonius, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Labicana, S00576; perhaps the *Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, ob. early 4th c., S00103, or, more probably, *Forty martyrs of Rome, S00540; *Thirty Martyrs of Rome, S00586; *Four Crowned Martyrs - the second group, martyrs in Sirmium (Pannonia), in the late 3rd c., S00685]
Evidence ID
E00680Saint Name
Helena, empress, mother of Constantine, ob. 328 : S00185 Tiburtius, son of the prefect Chromatius, martyr of Rome : S01404 Peter and Marcellinus, martyrs at Rome, ob. ??? : S00577 Gorgonius, martyr at Rome, ob. ??? : S00576 Forty Martyrs of SebasSaint Name in Source
Helena Tibertius Petrus, Marcellinus Gorgonius XL martires XL martires XXX martires IIII coronatiRelated Saint Records
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Helena_empress_and_mother_of_Constantine_ob_328/13729624
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Gorgonius_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Labicana/13730662
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Forty_Martyrs_of_Sebaste/13729390
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Thirty_Martyrs_of_Rome_ob_/13730680
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Tiburtius_son_of_the_prefect_Chromatius_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Labicana/13732960
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Four_Crowned_Martyrs_-_the_second_group_Sempronianus_Nicostratus_Claudius_Castor_martyrs_of_Sirmium_Pannonia_/13730905
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Marcellinus_and_Petrus_priest_and_exorcist_martyrs_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Labicana/13730665
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Forty_martyrs_of_Rome/13730569
Type of Evidence
Literary - Pilgrim accounts and itinerariesLanguage
- Latin