E00636: The Notitia ecclesiarum urbis Romae, a guide to saints' graves around Rome, lists those on the via Salaria vetus, north of the city. Written in Latin in Rome, 625/649.
online resource
posted on 2015-08-07, 00:00 authored by BryanCatalogue of the Churches of the City of Rome (Notitia ecclesiarum urbis Romae) 3-5
Deinde uadis ad orientem donec uenies ad ecclesia[m] Iohanni[s] martir[is] uia Salinaria; ibi requiescit Diogenus martir, et in altero cubiculo Bonifacianus et Fistus martir sub terra, sub terra Blastus martir, deinde Iohannis martir, postea Longuinus martir.
Deinde uadis ad australem uia Salinaria donec uenies ad sanctum Ermetem; ibi primum pausat Bassilissa uirgo et martir; in altera et martir Maximus, et sanctus Ermes martir longe sub terra; et in altera spelunca Protus martir et Iacintus, deinde Victor martir. Postea eadem uia perueniens ad sanctum Pampulum martirem, XXIII gradibus sub terra.
'From there [the church of St Valentinus on the via Flaminia] you go east until you reach the church of Iohannes, the martyr, on the via Salaria. There the martyr Diogenes rests, and in another chamber Bonifacianus and Festus underground. Underground the martyr Blastus, then the martyr Iohannes, and then the martyr Longinus.'
Then you go south along the via Salaria, until you reach saint Hermes. There, first rests Basilissa, virgin and martyr; in another [place] the martyr Maximus, and saint Hermes the martyr deep beneath the earth. And in another cavern the martyr Protus and Hyacinthus, and then Victor the martyr. Then, by the same road, you come to saint Pamphilus the martyr, 23 steps under the earth.'
Text: Glorie 1965, 305. Translation: R. Wiśniewski
First paragraph: [*Iohannes, martyr of Rome under the emperor Julian, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00514; *Diogenes, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00475; *Bonifacianus/Bonifacius, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00523; *Festus, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00515; *Blastus, martyr of Rome, buried on the Via Salaria vetus, S00476; *Longinus/Longina, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00486]
Second paragraph: [*Hermes, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00404; *Basilissa/Basilla, virgin and martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00684; *Maximus/Maximilianus, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00173; *Protus and Hyacinthus, martyrs of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00464; *Victor, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S02814; *Pamphilus, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00477]
Deinde uadis ad orientem donec uenies ad ecclesia[m] Iohanni[s] martir[is] uia Salinaria; ibi requiescit Diogenus martir, et in altero cubiculo Bonifacianus et Fistus martir sub terra, sub terra Blastus martir, deinde Iohannis martir, postea Longuinus martir.
Deinde uadis ad australem uia Salinaria donec uenies ad sanctum Ermetem; ibi primum pausat Bassilissa uirgo et martir; in altera et martir Maximus, et sanctus Ermes martir longe sub terra; et in altera spelunca Protus martir et Iacintus, deinde Victor martir. Postea eadem uia perueniens ad sanctum Pampulum martirem, XXIII gradibus sub terra.
'From there [the church of St Valentinus on the via Flaminia] you go east until you reach the church of Iohannes, the martyr, on the via Salaria. There the martyr Diogenes rests, and in another chamber Bonifacianus and Festus underground. Underground the martyr Blastus, then the martyr Iohannes, and then the martyr Longinus.'
Then you go south along the via Salaria, until you reach saint Hermes. There, first rests Basilissa, virgin and martyr; in another [place] the martyr Maximus, and saint Hermes the martyr deep beneath the earth. And in another cavern the martyr Protus and Hyacinthus, and then Victor the martyr. Then, by the same road, you come to saint Pamphilus the martyr, 23 steps under the earth.'
Text: Glorie 1965, 305. Translation: R. Wiśniewski
First paragraph: [*Iohannes, martyr of Rome under the emperor Julian, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00514; *Diogenes, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00475; *Bonifacianus/Bonifacius, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00523; *Festus, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00515; *Blastus, martyr of Rome, buried on the Via Salaria vetus, S00476; *Longinus/Longina, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00486]
Second paragraph: [*Hermes, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00404; *Basilissa/Basilla, virgin and martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00684; *Maximus/Maximilianus, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00173; *Protus and Hyacinthus, martyrs of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00464; *Victor, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S02814; *Pamphilus, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00477]
Evidence ID
E00636Saint Name
Hermes, martyr in Rome, ob. ? : S00404 Basilla, virgin and martyr of Rome : S00684 Maximus, martyr of Rome : S00173 Protus and Hyacinthus, martyrs in Rome, ob. c. 257 : S00464 Pamphilus, martyr in Rome : S00477 Victor, martyr of Rome, buried onSaint Name in Source
Ermes Basilissa Maximus Protus et Iacintus Pampulus Victor Iohannes Diogenus Bonifacianus Fistus Blastus LonguinusRelated Saint Records
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Blastus_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_vetus/13730404
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Hermes_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_vetus/13730236
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Bonifacianus_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_vetus/13730524
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Festus_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_vetus/13730500
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Iohannes_martyr_of_Rome_under_the_emperor_Julian_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_vetus/13730497
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Victor_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_Vetus/13737715
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Basilla_Basilissa_virgin_and_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_vetus/13730902
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Protus_and_Hyacinthus_eunuchs_and_martyrs_of_Rome/13730374
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Diogenes_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_vetus/13730401
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Maximus_Maximilianus_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_vetus/13729594
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Pamphilus_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_vetus/13730407
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Longinus_Longina_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Salaria/13730446
Type of Evidence
Literary - Pilgrim accounts and itinerariesLanguage
- Latin
Evidence not before
625Evidence not after
649Activity not before
625Activity not after
642Place of Evidence - Region
Rome and regionPlace of Evidence - City, village, etc
Suburban catacombs and cemeteriesPlace of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Suburban catacombs and cemeteries Rome Rome Roma Ῥώμη RhōmēMajor author/Major anonymous work
Lists of Shrines in RomeCult activities - Places
Burial site of a saint - cemetery/catacombCult activities - Places Named after Saint
- Cemetery