E00337: The Martyrdom of *Alexandros (martyr of Dryzipera, S00070), probably of the 5th/6th c., contains several references to the veneration of relics, including a mention of women perfuming and venerating the remains of saints. It also refers to the burial of Alexander in a sarcophagus, and to miracles and cures at his shrine. Probably written at or near Dryzipera (eastern Balkans).
“Wretched man, I shall consume you by fire, and will see if the Christ you are talking about comes and delivers you from my hands! For you must know this: that I shall disperse your flesh and your bones in every land through which I shall pass, so that no women will find pieces of your flesh or your bones, nor will they perfume them and venerate you as one of the saints. And now I shall order even the remaining dust of yours to be thrown into the river, so that your memory may never be found.”
‘And he fell onto his knees and prayed saying: “Lord Jesus Christ, hear your servant who has laboured for your name, and grant grace unto my body, wherever it may be laid to rest, so that miracles and wonders and cures may occur at that place.” And, once he prayed, a voice came from heaven saying to him: “I shall do all those things that you have asked for, dear Alexandros and excellent martyr, and I shall not displease you in anything.”’
'And as she was coming along the highway, lamenting and crying like a cow seeking her calf, she met the quaestionarii. After they beheaded the holy martyr, they took his body and threw it into the river. But, by God’s providence, four dogs came to the river and dragged the body of the holy martyr out of the river, and they licked it with their tongues, and sat by it and guarded it. And when his mother came two miles from where his body was, two of the dogs ran to meet his mother, and one was on the right and the other on the left. And they guided and took her to the body of the holy martyr. And she took the body of the saint, enshrouded it with many perfumes and precious sheets, and buried it in a sarcophagus at a prominent place, beyond the river Ergina, towards the west, where the Holy Spirit decided.'
‘So, performing great miracles, Saint Alexandros helps the afflicted and grants cure to those with long-term maladies, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he received from Him.’
Text: Dimitrov 1935. Translation: E. Rizos.
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Alexandros, Martyr at Drusipara in Thrace, ob. 303-311 : S00070
Balkans including Greece
Constantinople and region
Place of Evidence - City, village, etc
Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Büyük Karıştıran
Cult activities - Places
Burial site of a saint - sarcophagus/coffin
Cult Activities - Miracles
Miracle after death
Miracle at martyrdom and death
Specialised miracle-working
Miracle with animals and plants
Healing diseases and disabilities
Apparition, vision, dream, revelation
Revelation of hidden knowledge (past, present and future)
Cult Activities - Protagonists in Cult and Narratives
Relatives of the saint
Cult Activities - Relics
Bodily relic - entire body
The text is fully preserved in three manuscript codices: Patmos 257 (11th/12th c.); Vatican, Vaticanus Graecus 2033 (11th c.); Bibliothèque nationale de France, Parisinus Graecus 1534 (12th c.). Fragments are contained in the following three codices: Mone Vatopediou 84 (9th c.); Bodleian Library, Barocci 240 (12th c.); Vatican, Palatinus Graecus 27 (11th c.). On the manuscripts, see:
An edition based on Parisinus Graecus 1534 was published by D. Dimitrov in 1934 with a brief commentary focusing mainly on the topographical information it contains.
There are also several Slavonic versions.
For a general discussion of this text, see E00321.
Dimitrov, D., “Пътуването на св. Александра Римски през Тракия,” Известия на Българския Археологически Институт 8 (1935), 116-161.
Further reading (on the Slavic versions only):
Ivanova, K., and Iovcheva, M., “Путешествие св. Александра Римскогo (Фракийского) из Рима и Карфагена по балканским землям и дальше,” Древняя Русь 4 (18) (2004), 35-45.
Taseva, L., and Iovcheva, M., “Мъчението на св. Александър Римски (Един рядък агиографски текст в книжнината на православните славяни),” in: J. Bestres-Dilger and A. Rabus (eds.), Text - Sprache - Grammatik. Slavisches Schrifttum der Vormoderne. Festschrift für Eckhard Weiher (Die Welt der Slaven. Sammelbände; München-Berlin, 2009), 67–94.