University of Oxford

Cyril Romeo Vincent Townsend in the RAF

online resource
posted on 2024-06-05, 20:13 authored by Their Finest Hour Project Team

The contributor's father, Cyril Romeo Vincent Townsend, was born in 1908. He married in 1938 and had a son in 1939. He joined the RAF and moved to Pusey House, St Giles.

He was based at RAF Benson, and said he flew Mosquitos - decoy airfield [sic]. He was friendly with a Dambuster pilot. He didn't talk about the war.

The contributor brought photos of a blast screen, their brother and their father, as well as a National Evacuation Scheme sign.

The contributor was born in 1947 and remembered air raid shelters in gardens in their childhood. They once saw Churchill in the House of Commons and have attended remembrance days. They recalled that Sir Arthur Harris drove a horse and carriage well into the 1950s. Older brother - student prank [sic].


Item list and details

1. National Service Evacuation Scheme 2. Contributor's brother's photos 3. Father's photos

Person the story/items relate to

Cyril Romeo Vincent Townsend

Person who shared the story/items

Elizabeth Drury

Relationship between the subject of the story and its contributor


Type of submission

Shared at Oxford Westgate Library, Oxfordshire on 10 March 2023.

Record ID

111719 | OXF012