University of Oxford

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Crundale Grave 13

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posted on 2021-11-10, 14:58 authored by Helena HamerowHelena Hamerow
But, at last, we came to a grave whose contents had not been disturbed; it contained the skeleton of a full-grown person, lying at about the depth of three feet and a half under the surface, with its feet pointing nearly to the south-west. Here we found a small urn of white earth, coloured over with a blackish wash; this was broken; and a patera of fine red earth, like those heretofore described [M 6834]. It had the following letters stamped on the centre of its inside, namely, GRANIO;[1] and a x, made with a sharp pointed instrument, on its outside. Here was also the blade of a knife.[1]The marks GRANI, GRANIANI, and GRANANI,, occur in my list of Potters' Stamps found in London. Several varieties also of the other, Saturninus will be noticed in this list. See Catalogue of London Antiquities, pp. 43-45.- C.R.S.


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