University of Oxford

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Crundale Grave 11

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posted on 2021-11-10, 14:58 authored by Helena HamerowHelena Hamerow
I now ordered two of the labourers to open the bank, or side, of the hollow road, and there we found (as Lord Winchelsea and Mr. Forster had done before) a human skeleton, entire, and lying at its full length, with its feet to the south-west. At its head we found a small empty urn of coarse dark-coloured earth, which fell in pieces on our endeavouring to remove it. On its left side, and near the hip, was a patera of fine red earth, much like those already described [M 6836]. It is impressed with the same potter's name as that at No. 9, namely, AELIMM, and has xx, inscribed with a sharp instrument, in the centre of its foot. In the bottom of the grave, particularly at the head and feet, was a great deal of rotten wood, extremely black, and some of it appeared very much like wood-coals. It doubtless was the remains of a coffin, or trough, burnt, perhaps, to make it the more durable; or, perhaps, excavated by fire. Here were also several pieces of iron clasps, and one whole one, much like those we now make use of in order to strengthen and hold together the corners of chests, etc.; they seemed to have been each of them furnished with two strong rivets, and had rotten wood adhering to them. Here were also twelve strong iron braggs, or nails, each of which was near five inches long; and several oyster shells.


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