Provenance? Small bronze buckle, max. width 1.2cm. Simple oval loop and tongue with back bent around bar.No Mayer card survives: number suggests it is supposed to be the buckle from Gilton gr. 10, Inv. p. 7 but this buckle looks too big, as does the MS Diary measurement for the gr. 10 buckle. Provenance to be checked.Accession number assigned from \Gatty Slip\". Mayer Index card had been missing when SCH was studying the collection but now found. Both the gatty slip and index card indicated that it belongs to Gilton grave 10. The gatty slip repeats some measurement information on the MS Diary: 1/2 inch long. – D.H."
Grave ID
Guilton Grave 10
Object ID
Catalogue Number
M 6000
copper alloy (Sonia Hawkes Material Notes; bronze) (Antiquarian Material; brass)