Card 1:[Square-headed brooch] 7cm long - bronze. Square-headed plate with semi circle punch marks - circular punch only half made. Short bow - flat back - square edges - facetted sides. Winged plate below bow - cut flat, semi-circular sectioned edge with medial groove and 2 incised lines in each. Splayed foot with semi-circular punches, Rounded pierced tag to hold iron coil - missing - pin catch normal type - broken.Card 2:Bronze small-long brooch. Length 7cm. Rectangular headplate. Short, solid bow. Hour-glass-shaped foot with two bands of moulding in centre. Borders of crescent stamps around headplate and lower part of foot. Spring coil and pin-catch of normal type.
Grave ID
Sarre Grave Unk
Object ID
Catalogue Number
KAS 368
copper alloy (Sonia Hawkes Material Notes; bronze) (Antiquarian Material; N/A)
Complete Keyword List (Including Alternatives)
other brooch (Sonia Hawkes Keyword; brooch) (Antiquarian Keyword; N/A)