Bronze gilt mount from a small drinking cup, diam. approx. 5.8cm. The usual simple U-sectioned sheet metal rim, with three triangular repoussé pendants with pearled border and 3 'knot' motifs, the larger spotted. This larger motif has curious angle pieces at top sides. These pendants held in place by stout corrugated silver gilt clips, fastened by single gilded dome-headed rivet. Mounted now on wooden cup. Pendants markedly inbent as if to fit vessel with recessed neck. ?Gourd.
Grave ID
Chartham Down Grave 48
Object ID
Catalogue Number
M 6730
copper alloy, white metal, gilt, organic (Sonia Hawkes Material Notes; bronze, gilt) (Antiquarian Material; silver, gilt, wood)
Complete Keyword List (Including Alternatives)
rim binding (Sonia Hawkes Keyword; drinking cup mount) (Antiquarian Keyword; arming, ornaments, cup, bowl, gourd)