Childhood Memories
Jean was 3/4 when war broke out. At 5 years old (her sister was 7), in May 1940, she went to boarding school - St Anne's, Windermere.
Dad was a doctor with Nigerian Medical Service. In Northern Ireland when war broke out. In 1944 Dad came back with a big trunk - whole bottom was filled with Dutch sweets - stroop waffles.
Mum went from London to Paris in 1940 and stayed the night three days before Paris fell. Mum worked in a medical clinic. In 1942 parents came home. Mum couldn't come because convoys were being torpedoed.
Grandparents on Mother's side during bombing raids/air raids 'sat under the table and hoped it wouldn't land on you'.
Aunt sent eggs wrapped in cotton wool through the post.
Black market for food due to rations. At ten years of age would cycle 25 miles to the Methhodist Chapel.
Wrote to parents every Sunday. Matron Gibbs was lovely and called 'roly poly'. Miss Jux the music teacher was mean. Clothing was out of stock - hand me downs. Goose grease rubbed on chest to try to prevent/cure illness.
Shorts flying boats built on Lake Windermere.
During air raid warnings you would go under the stairs.
Flew in 6 seater plane to Belfast from Liverpool with Mum, Dad and her sister, Flying fortress - taxied under wing.
1948 - 10 passengers, 7 crew, Halton converted Halifax Bomber - barley sugars to suck, cotton wool for ears, notepad because too loud to speak.