Pretty large tumulus; the grave was full five feet and a half deep, and four feet broad. The bones were almost gone; the coffin appeared to have been very thick, and much burnt. Near the neck were a silver pendant, in which is set an amethyst [M 6719]; a like amethyst, unset [M 6720]; two silver rings, on each of which were strung two small beads [M 6722]; one other silver ring, on which was strung one larger, flattish, blue bead [M 6723]: these were worn as earrings. Here were also two longish, cylindrical, six-sided, green and yellow flowered beads [M 6721]. These last crumbled to pieces soon after they had been exposed to the air. The skeleton lay in a trench in the bottom of the grave, very neatly hewn out of the rock chalk, and adapted to the size of the coffin.