Baynham Wartime Colonial Civil Service Memories
Alexander Baynham's father, an electrical engineer, worked for the Colonial Civil Service throughout the Second World War in various countries on the African continent.
Alexander himself recalls travelling to and from Africa with his younger sister, Pamela. They spent up to 18 months abroad being home schooled by their mother before spending a further 6 months back in Britain for some "proper schooling".
In 1942, whilst sailing back to Britain aboard the Abosso at the height of the Battle of the Atlantic, Alexander, his mother and sister had a terrifying experience when their ship was located at dusk be a German U-boat. All passengers were made to stand in the passageways in complete darkness. By morning, after being held by a sailor for most of the night, there was no sign of the submarine and the family's journey home to Britain was completed successfully. However, on it's next voyage, the Abosso was sunk with great loss of life.