88651: Swedes
Typescript working copies of twenty-three poems (poems 1-5,7-10,14,26,30, 56,76-7,79,81-5,87-8 in R. George Thomas (ed.) The Collected Poems of Edward Thomas), with collation of texts by R. George Thomas (ff. i-vi). Two copies are included of poem 77 (ff. 34-7), one marked 'unamended', and poem 56 (ff. 38-45), one marked 'unrevised'. Poem 'The Combe' (f. 2) is signed 'Edward Eastaway'. The typescripts were used by Thomas for revision during his final gathering of poems for Poems published in 1917 under the pseudonym 'Edward Eastaway' and nine of the poems (ff. 2,8,13,16-19,26-7, 33-45) are included in the volume. These are the typescripts designated JT by R. George Thomas, The Collected Poems, p. xxvii.
vi, 45 ff. c.270 x 205 mm. Guarded and filed.