University of Oxford

7052: Mary Smollet's Adventure as a Munitions Worker in London

online resource
posted on 2024-01-17, 17:23 authored by Lest We Forget Project Team

Mary Smollet was my grandmother. Aged about 17 she took the train down to London with her cousin to work in a munitions factory. She worked for Buck and Hickman Company. She saw an advert for women to train for munitions work at Robert Gordon's College, Aberdeen, and this inspired her to go. She made part of a gun or the ammunition and she took some of it home. Before she worked in London she worked on a farm. She worked as a home nurse in the rural Aberdeenshire district of Rayne.

She returned home after the war and resumed home nursing .She lived to be 99 years old. She married in 1922 and had 2 children; both are still alive today - 93 and 83 years old.

An article about her appeared in a newspaper on 4th October 1985.


Name of contributor(s)

Vivian Singer

Subject of the story/individual the object(s) relate to

Mary Smollet, the contributor's grandmother.

Date(s) the event(s) in the story took place


Location(s) where the event(s) in the story took place

Rayne, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. London.


1. Cutting from a newspaper dated 4th October 1985. 1 image. 2. Part of a machine piece. 1 image.

Community Collection Day

Mackie Academy, Stonehaven (23/02/19)

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