64916: With an Identity Disc
Drafted on 23 March 1917 in France; a fair copy was included in a letter to Colin Owen on 24 March 1917. Revised at Craiglockhart in August-September 1917. This manuscript is entitled by Owen as 'The disc of identity'. This is no. 91 in ed. 'The Complete Poems and Fragments'. |
File description(s):
Drafted on 23 March 1917 in France; a fair copy was included in a letter to Colin Owen on 24 March 1917. Revised at Craiglockhart in August-September 1917. This manuscript is entitled by Owen as 'The disc of identity'. This is no. 91 in ed. 'The Complete Poems and Fragments'.
Rough working. Drafted on 23 March 1917 in France; a fair copy was included in a letter to Colin Owen on 24 March 1917. Revised at Craiglockhart in August-September 1917. This manuscript is entitled by Owen as 'The disc of identity' and is no. 91 in ed. 'The Complete Poems and Fragments'.