64820: The Hydra: June 1918 Advertising Supplement
Illustrated cover of 'The Hydra' for June 1918 showing a 'Hydra' attacking a soldier, flanked by two nurses. |
File description(s):
Illustrated cover of 'The Hydra' for June 1918 showing a 'Hydra' attacking a soldier, flanked by two nurses.
Advertisements for Edinburgh purveyors of jewelry and photographic equipment.
Advertisement for Edinburgh purveyor of regimental ashtrays.
Advertisements for Edinburgh restaurant and purveyors of sporting equipment.
Advertisements for Edinburgh purveyors of leather goods, footwear and stationary.
Advertisement for and photograph of Edinburgh photographers' establishement.
Advertisement for Edinburgh luncheon and tea rooms.
Contains 'The Hydra' Table of Contents.
Advertisement for Edinburgh hair specialists / 'Advertisers' Map'.
Advertisement for Edinburgh purveyor of sporting equipment.
Advertisements for Edinburgh purveyors of sporting equipment and musical instruments.
Advertisement for an Edinburgh picture house and purveyors of military equipment.
Advertisements for Edinburgh purveyors of oatcakes and glasses.
Advertisements for Edinburgh purveyors of insurance and cigarettes.
Advertisment for Edinburgh printers of magazines and purveyors of books and stationary.
Advertisement for Edinburgh purveyor of officers' kits.
Advertisement for Edinburgh purveyor of military clothing.