58722: Russian border document (lost for 2 days)
2 scrapbook entries:
The first is of a border crossing document. The text reads as follows, "On July 21st 1917 (7th Russian calendar) I was separated from the crew of my car due to the mad, panic-stricken behaviour of the Russian regiments that deserted, and after 48 hours tramp without food was picked up by Cossack patrol, in an exhausted state. As I was on captured Austrian territory it was very difficult to prove to the Commandant at Husialyn (the border town between Russian and Galicia) that I was English. Eventually he granted me the above passport and a square meal, which latter was the most necessary in my opinion - and welcome."
The second page refers to the incident, "BRZEZANY was the town which the Austrians held for 18 months against all attacks. It was after the final attack in July '17, by the Russians that the latter broke down in a panic, when I was lost for 2 days. (see passport previous page)."
Editor's Comment:
Petty Officer 9730 Gordon M. Grandage, No. 1 Squadron, C Section, HM Armoured Cars, Royal Naval Air Service.