56040: The Hydra: 4th August 1917
Photograph of Craiglockhart War Hospital / 'The Hydra' Table of Contents. |
File description(s):
Photograph of Craiglockhart War Hospital / 'The Hydra' Table of Contents.
Advertisement for Edinburgh jeweler and purveyor of officers' clothing.
Advertisements for Edinburgh purveyors of boots and photographic equipment.
Advertisements for Edinburgh purveyors of shortbread and glasses.
Contains advertisement for Edinburgh purveyors of sporting goods.
Contains advertisement for Edingburgh purveyors of cigarettes / 'Advertisers' Plan'.
Editorial requesting submissions and detailing anecdote involving the editors of 'The Hydra' / 'Notes and News' reporting on the field club.
'Notes and News' concluding discussion of the Field Club / reporting on Camera Club / the results of the cricket.
Concludes report on cricket / details plans for golf / tennis. From Bowhill Red Cross Hospital discusses croquet / badminton / fishing / photography.
Concludes note from Bowhill Red Cross Hospital on photography / tennis / concert review. Begins short story entitled 'Elise'.
Continues short story entitled 'Elise'.
Concludes short story entitled 'Elise'. Continues from previous issues with Chapter XIV of 'Chronicles of a V. O. S. (Very Old Subaltern)' by 'Jack Point'.
Continues Chapter XIV of 'Chronicles of a V. O. S. (Very Old Subaltern)' by 'Jack Point'.
Concludes Chapter XIV 'Chronicles of a V. O. S. (Very Old Subaltern)' by 'Jack Point' / begins short story entitled 'The Ruminations of Marling Spike'.
Concludes short story entitled 'The Ruminations of Marling Spike' / anacdote entitled 'Post Prandial' by 'Synjin'.
Review of recent concerts by 'Peas Blossom' / list of arrivals and departures of officers.
Advertisement for Edinburgh purveyors of sporting equipment.
Photograph of and advertisement for Edinburgh photographer.
Advertisements for Edinburgh purveyors of musical instruments and insurance.
Advertisement for Edinburgh tailors.