56039: The Hydra: 29th September 1917
Photograph of Craiglockhart War Hospital / 'The Hydra' Table of Contents. |
File description(s):
Photograph of Craiglockhart War Hospital / 'The Hydra' Table of Contents.
Advertisements of Edinburgh jeweler and printer.
Advertisements for purveyors of military equipment and photographic equipment.
Advertisements for Edinburgh purveyors of shortbread and glasses.
Advertisement for Edinburgh purveyors of sporting equipment.
Advertisement for Edinburgh purveyors of cigarettes / 'Advertisers' Map'.
Editorial detailing future plans for expansion of the journal / notes on the Camera Club / Golfing Club.
Notes on harvesting / the Workshop / the Field Club.
Concludes note on the Field Club / articles on regattas of 18th and 24th September.
Short story entitled 'Memories Pedagogic' by F. Brook.
Continues the short story entitled 'Memories Pedagogic' by F. Brook.
Concludes short story entitled 'Memories Pedagogic' by F. Brook / includes poem entitled 'Wirers' by 'S. S.' (Siegfried Sassoon).
Short story entitled 'Tales of Third Class Travel' by 'Cockburn Harvey'.
Drawing commemorating concert on 22 September.
Continues drawing commemorating concert of 22 September.
Continues from previous issues Chapter XVII of 'Chronicles of a V. O. S. (Very Old Subalter)' by 'Jack Point'.
Continues Chapter XVII of 'Chronicles of a V. O. S. (Very Old Subalter)' by 'Jack Point'.
Concludes Chapter XVII and begins Chapter XVIII of 'Chronicles of a V. O. S. (Very Old Subalter)' by 'Jack Point'.
Continues Chapter XVIII of 'Chronicles of a V. O. S. (Very Old Subalter)' by 'Jack Point'.
Concludes Chapter XVIII and begins Chapter XIX of 'Chronicles of a V. O. S. (Very Old Subalter)' by 'Jack Point'.
Concludes Chapter XIX 'Chronicles of a V. O. S. (Very Old Subalter)' by 'Jack Point' / poem entitled 'The Next War'.
Review of recent concert by 'Mustard Seed'.
Contains photograph of and advertisement for an Edinburgh photographer.
Advertisements for Edinburgh purveyors of musical instruments and insurance.
Advertisement for Edinburgh tailor.
Advertisement for Edinburgh stationer.
Advertisement for Edinburgh purveryor of sporting equipment.