54807: Photo of Reg Cole and four others from the Gloucestershire regiment
Reg Cole is standing on the far right of the group. Reginald William Cole was cousin of Charles W. Carr (as was his brother Norman Cole). Charles' son Tony Carr records that Private 1844 Reginald William Cole 1/5th Glos. was killed in action in Belgium 12 May 1915. Lived at 12 Clarence Square Cheltenham. Memorial in the Cheltenham Salem Baptist Church, Clarence Parade. Son of Abraham Noden Cole and Minnie Rosette Cole of same address who were the owners of "The Famous" Gents Outfitters of 350-1 High St. According to contemporary newspaper reports he was educated at Northampton House and Belmore House Schools and served apprenticeship at Field Hawkins and Co. Wallingford before returing to his father's shop 5 years before the outbreak of war. Enlisted in 1/5th Terr. Batt. GLos Regiment April 1913 and went to France March 1915. Was serving with C Coy near Ploegsteert, Belgium when killed. A comrade Pte Yeates wrote He had been sharing some Bovril with his comrades and then took first post as sentry. A bullet came perilously near and he turned round and remarked to me - "That was a near shave!" He turned back and was immediately struck with another bullet and fell at my feet. He was carried through the adjacent woods in which he is now buried and sent off by motor ambulance to the dressing station 2 miles away but died as he was being carried in". He was shot at 2.35am on Weds 12 May 1915 and is buried in Ploegsteert Military Cemetery plot III Row D Grave 13. There is a photo of him in "The Graphic" of 22 May 1915. In his will he left the whole of his effects valued at £155-10-0 to his father.
Part of large collection of photos and memoribilia relating to Serjeant 3091 (later 240965) Charles Woodward Carr, 2/5th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment - kept by Mrs Gill Porter and Mr Tony Carr of their father.