53756: Photographs of and relating to Stephen Moran
Stephen Moran was billeted with Mr and Mrs A. Payne, Orchard Cottage, West Runton, one of many over the war years. Mr A. Payne was a blacksmith, wheelright and carpenter, and held a contract for shoeing mules and horses sent to war.
Editor's Comment:
The photograph at top left shows Pte. Moran in the Khaki Denim uniform and sun helmet worn in tropical theaters, with 1903 pattern ammunition bandolier, commonly worn by mounted troops. Top right shows Moran with the same bandolier, but wearing the Service Dress uniform of temperate climates. Note the Jack Knife lanyard worn on the left shoulder, and 'swagger stick' under right arm. The photograph at middle left shows an unidentified corporal of the Derby Yeomanry, bottom left a group of Derby yeomanry troopers. Middle right top shows a horse harnessed to a limber, middle right bottom shows a mounted cavalryman in full field equipment, with rifle, drawn sword (the obsolete 1899 pattern, relegated to yeomanry use by WW1), mounted pattern circular messtin over lap, water bottle, and picketing pegs strapped to sword scabbard. Bottom right shows six men on the back of a horse, witht he caption '1st Royal Devons', '"Rough Riders" - Anything rather than bikes'.
Pte. 1538 (later 75092) Stephen Moran, Derby Yeomanry.