52570: Archive of Pte W. J. Parkin, Machine Gunner, Durham Light Infrantry
Complete archive of Pte William J Parkin, 84548, Machine Gunner, Durham Light Infantry deposited by his son, J. W Parkin. Decsribed as: 'Contains personal details of experiences of an 18/19 year old Machine Gunner during 18 months of continuous front line action attached to the Durham Light Infantry when at Arras (2nd Ypres?), the second Somme, and 3rd Ypres, There are also copies of various documents/pc etc. There is also mention of events after being severely wounded, and goes on to relate the treatment he received in both hospital and civvy street. There are many highlights of interest, including the book of German ballads taken from the Hindenburg Line, the Bible endorsed by Lord Roberts, the victory parade pc sent by his young nurse and the subsequent invitation to her funeral after she succombed to the Spanish flu, Also how the Army Board convened at his bedside in Brighton to decide a rate of pension and/or fitness for a commission.'
Contains a complete set of unpublished memoirs (9 chapters) and various other images.