51408: Messter Woche 43, 1915, German Troops on the Western Front
Portuguese language version of a German newsreel of their own forces in the area of Lille, occupied France, autumn 1915. British prisoners, probably from the Battle of Loos, are marched through the streets of Lille with a mounted escort. German wounded are taken by ambulance to a temporary hospital in the town and unloaded. Soldiers distribute meat to the people (mainly old men and women) of Lille. Nearer the battle zone, a horse from a gun-team is coaxed out from a patch of mud. Members of the ""General Staff""(probably not the Grosse Generalstab) visit a ruined church. Sappers repair a trench blown in by British shells. Work in a sawmill and timber-yard. A dog kept as a mascot in the rear trenches. The headquarters of a front-line battalion in a deep dugout. A Cavalry commander, General von Laffert with his staff beside a château. A mining operation in which sappers take sandbags into the forward trenches and carry earth away from the mine. A view over no man's land from the front trenches - a sniper fires across at the British. The rest of the troops take up position on the firing-step and open fire. (All the trenches are very well made and dry.)