51316: Royal Welch Fusiliers who, out of the line seem pleased to be filmed
Street scenes showing an infantry unit marching in columns of four, some with axes and shovels, some with mud covers on their rifles, usually smiling or waving at the camera. This shows the Royal Welch Fusiliers, marching on the bend being overtaken by motor-cycle despatch rider. This is probably 1st Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers, 22nd Brigade, 7th Division. Siegfried Sassoon served with both the 1st and 2nd on the Western Front and the 25th RWF in Italy. The attitude of the soldiers to the camera here is typical when out of the front line: a camera was still an interesting novelty, and the possibility of being seen at home an amusing diversion. In the First World War, people were always camera-conscious, but rarely camera-shy. However a different attitude prvailed immediately prior to going into battle when the photographer was viewed as an intruder at best.