32352: Finals in Lockdown
The experience of doing final examinations during the lockdown has been surreal, to say the least. Waiting for the slow-acting faculties to provide us information on our new exam structures and then adjusting to new formats and regulations for exams and a new environment for revision was difficult but thanks to the help of my Oxford friends in similar positions and a few extremely dedicated tutors at Pembroke we managed to overcome a lot of the challenges posed. It's been difficult to balance the host of personal and home life issues that have been created as a result of the coronavirus and being in lockdown with family for 3 months, but thanks to the regular revision classes organised and by maintaining a daily evening call to check in with my tutorial partner I was able to keep persevering on. The sheer amount of events and content produced by the Pembroke JCR and other societies such as the Oxford LGBTQ+ Society was impressive and really touching to see - despite the loss of what was meant to be a memorable final experience in Oxford enjoying the best it has to offer, it was comforting to still feel like part of a community till the very end of our degrees.