posted on 2023-12-08, 20:28authored byLockdown2020 and Beyond Project
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About the picture(s)
A gentleman found some World War Two gas masks and hats in his attic when he moved into his house decades ago. To cheer everyone up he made this display in his garden using bits and pieces around the house. This was still at the full lockdown stage where people were only allowed out for exercise and buying essentials. People could not meet-up with friends or groups. Everyone had a chuckle as they passed on the way to the shops. He changed the signs every few hours. I particularly like the random Arsenal football sign.
The 2nd picture of the bus stop was taken cycling through a village on VE Day. A first glance you might not notice that every poppy has been hand knitted by villagers. Probably about 300+ knitted poppies. Mind boggling amount of work..
The day itself on our street was lovely. A lot of giggles and warmth, various "safe distance" catch-ups across the generations, loosely organised over the fence and via the new street community WhatsApp group.