32138: Lockdown and cooking
Usually, my day starts early AM with a walk/jog or an indoor cycle. I am lucky to live in a tiny village that has the countryside I can safely access. Straight into my little home office after a shower and then I'm beavering away at work. So many video conferencing calls and strict time management and overly long days that seem to never end. I miss the days of corridor conversations and little coffees in the kitchen and walking meetings with my colleagues. I miss my motorbike rides and I miss hugging my friends when they feel down. I miss the balance. I enjoy the home-cooked meals, the evening ambles and the extra time with my soulmate is unbelievably precious. Social Media and the news is overwhelming and the mind shuts down with all the negativity. So walks and cooking and enjoyment of what one has. Contentment and happiness with all the blessings I do have. Sadness for how awful things are and will be in the future for so many of us humans.