posted on 2023-12-08, 17:59authored byLockdown2020 and Beyond Project
Basically the lyrics to Blur's Parklife except the park is my garden and there's no 'hand-in-hand' business. I'll watch the birds from my bedroom window to take a break from my work, the deadline almost certainly too close for comfort.
Message for the future
Hopefully once they've got their adult plumage these chicks will keep coming back to the feeder as frequently as I'll be hitting the pub when they're open. I'll miss them if they don't.
About the picture(s)
We got a new birdfeeder since lockdown and it's been a great source of entertainment watching the birds go from tentatively approaching the seeds a couple months ago to happily picking at the seeds even when we're sat in the garden, like this pigeon here. A real treat has been seeing the blackbirds and starlings take seeds from the feeder and give them to their newly-fledged young, who are usually hiding in a hedge off to the side making a racket in a competition to scream their way into getting fed first.