31891: Day 51 "working from home"
A typical day starts with a tea or coffee and then I go for a run using the couch to 5K app. After a shower and a change of clothes and a bowl of cereal I then start up my computer and work from home. I keep a calendar next to my monitor so that I know what day it is and know if its the weekend or not. I work remotely, sort through emails and attend meetings in "Teams" and carry on as if I am in my office. I try to break for lunch and sit outside in the sunshine. I try to work until 5pm, shut my work computer down and then use my own device to get involved in the Great British Home Chorus for 30minutes. My evening then involves a combination of attending "Zoom" meetings for various music groups and choirs I attended before we all went online, and watching TV, I tend to watch alot of BBC and Channel 4 programs and am really getting into all of the art and craft stuff thats on. If I have some energy left I will try and practice my violin and flute for half and hour or so before watching more TV and then going to bed. Weekends I tend to do alot of cleaning and lounging around.