Version 2 2023-02-13, 18:28Version 2 2023-02-13, 18:28
Version 1 2023-02-10, 16:19Version 1 2023-02-10, 16:19
posted on 2023-02-13, 18:28authored byScience Gossip
‘Science Gossip’ is born from a collaboration between an Arts and Humanities Research Council project in the UK, called ‘Constructing Scientific Communities: Citizen Science in the 19th and 21st Centuries’ (ConSciCom) and the Missouri Botanical Garden who are providing content from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL).
Constructing Scientific Communities: Citizen Science in the 19th and 21st Centuries
Coordinates: [0, 0, 83, 899, 726, 168], Details: "keywords"=>["dolichocephalic", "anatomy", "Chart", "Key", "Example", "Cone de Dejection Torrentielle de la Tiniere", "fossil", "cranium", "human", "Roman age", "Bronze age", "Stone age", "'Leçon d'ouverture d'un Cours sur la haute Antiquité", "fait à l'Académie de Lausanne en Novembre et Décembre 1860.' 8vo. Lausanne", "1861."]