University of Oxford

The Geologist, v.2 (1859), ASC0003y5o

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Version 2 2023-02-13, 18:24
Version 1 2023-02-10, 16:20
posted on 2023-02-13, 18:24 authored by Science Gossip
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The Geologist




v.2 (1859)


Coordinates: [0, 0, 55, 230, 806, 978], Details: "keywords"=>["volcano", "etna", "structure", "map", "val de bove", "nature"]


Coordinates: [463, 700, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Milo", "8", "3", "Zafferana", "Castagno dei 100 Cavalli", "VAL DEL BOVE.", "14", "T", "13", "2", "?", "Mangano", "Giarre", "10", "15", "12", "1", "a", "13. Serra del Solfizzio.", "14. Cisterna.", "15. Piano del Lago.", "T Axis of Trifoglietto.", "Riposto", "SUMMIT OF ETNA", "Torre Archirafi", "a, a, Alluvial deposits."]; Coordinates: [101, 831, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Map of Etna, The Val del Bove, and the Coast of Ripesto and Torre d'Archirafi", "Map of Etna, the Val del Bove, and the Coast of Ripesto and Torre d' Archirafi.", "Map of Etna, the Val de Bove, and the Coast of Ripesto and Torre d' Abchibafi"]; Coordinates: [733, 1162, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["1. Giannicola", "2. Rocco del Corvo.", "3. Montagnuola.", "4. Hill of Calanna.", "5. Salto.", "6. Valle di Calanna."]; Coordinates: [742, 863, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["The darker shaded portions represent certain lava-currents, and the black spots indicate the sites of cones of eruption.", "9. R.Capra.", "11. Serra del Concazze.", "1. Giannicola.2. Rocco del Corvo.3. Montagunola.4. Hill of calanna.5. Salto.6. Valle di Calanna.7. Finocchio.8. Musara.9. R. Capra.10. Valle del Leone.11. Serra del Concazze.12. Schiera dell' Asino.13. Serra del Solfizzio.14. Cisterna.15. Piano del Lago.a, a, Alluvial deposits.", "7. Finocchio.", "8. Musara.", "10. Calle del Leone.", "12. Schiera dell' Asino."]



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