Midland Naturalist, v.4 1881, ASC00009ea
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Midland NaturalistYear
v.4 1881Inscription
Coordinates: [142, 314, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["West Lincolnshire(South Scarle.)", "West Lincolnshire(South Scarle.) "]; Coordinates: [230, 1172, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Pennine Chain(West Derbyshire.)", "Pennine chain(West Derbyshire)", "Carboniferous Limestone"]; Coordinates: [760, 1102, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Ideal Section to Illustrate the Pre-Permian Age of the Pennine Chain and its persistence as a Physical Barrier in Permian and Triassic Times", "blank", "Ideal Section to Illustrate the Pre-permian Age of the Pennine Chain, and its persistence as a Physical Barrier in Permian and Triassic Times."]; Coordinates: [427, 591, 0, 0, 0, 0], Details: "text"=>["Lover Coal Measures", "Middle", "Lower Coal Measures", "Millstone Grit", "Middle Coal Measures", "Coal", "Voredale Rocks", "Measures", "BUNTER PEBBLE BEDS and LOWER BUNTER SANDSTONE", "LOWER KEUPER SANDSTONE", "UPPER & MIDDLE PERMIAN MARLS, UPPER & LOWER LIMESTONE & MARL SLATES & BRECCIA."]Drawing
Coordinates: [0, 0, 20, 15, 772, 1366], Details: "keywords"=>["Pennine Chain (West Derbyshire)", "West Lincolnshire (South Scarle)", "Permian times", "Triassic times", "pre-Permian Pennine Chain", "coal levels", "Pennine Chain", "landscape", "geology"]PageID
14315146Classification No
19Image Scale
0.452489Usage metrics
geologicalgeologystratasectionPenineChainLincolnshirePre-PermianageSection to illustrate pre-Permian age of the Pennine chainand its persistence as a physical barrier in Permian and Triassic times.Pennine chain west Derbyshire Lincolnshire south scarle. Section Permian Triassic barrier coal measures Keuper Bunter marl sandstone limestonelandscaperockscoalcoal fieldPhysical Barrier in Permian and Triassic Timespre-permian agepennine chainphysical barrierpermiantriassicwest-lincolnshiregeographyPennine Chain (West Derbyshire)West Lincolnshire (South Scarle)Permian timesTriassic timespre-Permian Pennine Chaincoal levelsPennine ChainLandscapemapmountainsPre-Permian AgeWest Linncolnshireillustrationmeasureslayerslimestonesandstonepre-permianWest LincolnshireSouth ScarleWest DerbyshireBunter
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